Anonymous2: I'm not the artist, or the poster, but how is this trash
If you have constructive criticism, fine; but tell them what is wrong
proportions are good, they are generally within model for anime/manga conversion, colors are nice, and it is R34
If you don't like the subject matter, or the sources, or the characters; just fuck off and move on, it's what I do
if the poster is the artist, and I feel some constructive criticism can help, I do give it.
Anonymous3: Yeah, I'm the one who commissions all of this Ken art and this dickhead (Anonymous-1) has been hating on all of the pics. It's clear he's a Ken hater or some gay dude who only wants to see him fucking men, (other wise I don't know why he keeps clicking on art he thinks is trash when everyone else can clearly see it's great)...
If you have constructive criticism, fine; but tell them what is wrong
proportions are good, they are generally within model for anime/manga conversion, colors are nice, and it is R34
If you don't like the subject matter, or the sources, or the characters; just fuck off and move on, it's what I do
if the poster is the artist, and I feel some constructive criticism can help, I do give it.