Anonymous1: Saitama: How long you two hold here?
Tastumaki: Forever!
Fubuki: Forever!
Saitama: Can I have something to eat then?
Tastumaki: You can eat my pussy!
Fubuki: And my wonderful breast!
Saitama: (sigh) Fine. But I want nice steak dinner after the sex you two.
Tastumaki: Whatever badly.
Fubuki: I will Saitama sweetie.
Tastumaki: Forever!
Fubuki: Forever!
Saitama: Can I have something to eat then?
Tastumaki: You can eat my pussy!
Fubuki: And my wonderful breast!
Saitama: (sigh) Fine. But I want nice steak dinner after the sex you two.
Tastumaki: Whatever badly.
Fubuki: I will Saitama sweetie.