Anonymous4: If only the guy wasn't some stupid furry OC, and was an actual character from the show. Extra points would have been given if it was Big Mac. But nooo. Had to be this random fag.
Anonymous6(2): @anon3 Are you fucking retarded, or did you just happen to misspell anon1? Yet again, not too hard to mistype a single number and-
Yes, you are retarded.
Also, fuck you Anon4, now I can't unsee that it's that dog/fox/wolf pony furfag.
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hell if it really matters that much you could take ms paint dump tool and fill it in with red paint and you could barely tell the difference
Yes, you are retarded.
Also, fuck you Anon4, now I can't unsee that it's that dog/fox/wolf pony furfag.
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