Eufrath: I only clicked this for the quality! But damn is it prime! I hope you have a job as a AAA colorist or concept artist at the side, if not, give me a nod-comment. - F
Anonymous19: Anon 17 needs to GTFO off the the internet for his bullshit white-knighting, he's probably the artist anyways.
Word of advice for the artist too: learn some proper anatomy because that bunny's head is way too small. What went wrong? Looking at that horse cock too much?
It certainly stands head and shoulders over several other pieces on this site, gay or otherwise.
Also, 0r0 is a faggot.
- Reply
Word of advice for the artist too: learn some proper anatomy because that bunny's head is way too small. What went wrong? Looking at that horse cock too much?
(not always MLP'd)
But seriously Hoity Toity is delicious.