Anonymous3: -the image critic-
This is one of my favorite artists. The characters look cute ( no gayness implied), and I would even go so far as to say that they look even BETTER than the original designs for the characters in these images. This artist needs to make a LOT more of these images. I support whoever made this in his/her work.
Anonymous6: Cuddles: So... We've been doing it for the past hour. You still want more?
Giggles: I want you to fucking fill me, and not stop until you do.
Cuddles: Okay then... *continues as normal*
This is one of my favorite artists. The characters look cute ( no gayness implied), and I would even go so far as to say that they look even BETTER than the original designs for the characters in these images. This artist needs to make a LOT more of these images. I support whoever made this in his/her work.
Giggles: I want you to fucking fill me, and not stop until you do.
Cuddles: Okay then... *continues as normal*