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Tbone111: I tried twqiuing Whitney's face so it wouldn't look as weird.
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GregX: Looks better, I'd say. Nice job! Good luck with your break, you've been doing a few pics non-stop for awhile now, so it's understandable. Wouldn't mind seeing one of these with Rhodey's mom sometime when you're done, though.
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SlippyTheToad: Definitely looks better. A little more forehead, less eyeshadow, slap on some ears, a bit of extra facial definition, and voila we have a much better looking Whitney.

I'm going to second GregX's sentiments of some more Roberta Rhodes would be much appreciated. Perhaps a little Roberta on Pepper action. Or maybe some Roberta on Iron Man, either Rhodey or Tony inside the suit, giving Roberta what she needs on the flight deck of the helicarrier.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Tbone111 can spell "weird," but "tweak" evades him? That isn't even a typo!
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Tbone111: I sacrificed spelling skills for art skills.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Well, take 'em back!!1! :D
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SlippyTheToad: Sacrificed spelling for... art?! BLASPHEMY! :3
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Tbone111: Lol Naw I'm good.
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Anonymous1: Please do some w.i.t.c.h. ones
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GregX: Lol
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DarkwingFuck: Ah, a good revision to the picture, thanks again for it!

I'll go ahead and echo any other request for more Iron Man sometime, you draw Pepper very few, it's superb.
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DarkwingFuck: very well, I mean*
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Anonymous2: We can make Request ehhh? Alright...

Reboot = Mouse, Dot, or Adult Andraia
Shaolin Showdown = Wuya
Gi-Joe Renegade= Lady J or Scarlet
G-Gundam = Rain or any of the girls.
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Norton: WIN
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Anonymous3: Very well done. I'd like to see more Pepper/Gene. Maybe some light,happy bondage ore Pepper getting fucked by Gene while he's wearing the Madarin armor. Heh...maybe the armor makes EVERYthing bigger!

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