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TagsAnais_Watterson, Darwin_Watterson, Gumball_Watterson, Random_Anon, The_Amazing_World_of_Gumball
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Info1700x2211 // 445KB // jpg
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Random_Anon: Now before anyone says, this does NOT count as pedophillia or toddlerkon, mostly as lolicon but NOT toddlerkon, for she's 4, and she's an animated fictional character, so deal with it.
Anyway, my first attempt at Anais, I know there's gonna be people saying it sucks, and I know there will be better ones later on, but hey, it's a start for Anais, right? So enjoy this for now...
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Anonymous1: TODDLERKON!!!


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JWN926: Rules on the site are 5 and under = TK. Although not sure if applies to animals.
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Anonymous2: If anyone has a problem with this then look at the simpsons. They've got pics of Maggie, and she's like 1 year old.
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ClericBard: Take a seat, right over there...
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Anonymous3(2): Are those socks or shoes? Their probably socks.
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Grehgem: Congrats on your 100th pic.
Also, why do you like fucking toddlers?
I can understand lolis, but really.
This shit is weird.
At the same time, I think this should stay up.
The Despicable Me pics you made are, and there is no way that Agnes is older than Anais.
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Danny: It's good, I'm surprised there wasn't any of her earlier being she's a main character and all.
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Anonymous4(2): I agree with Danny.
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Anonymous5: Nope.jpg
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Random_Anon: OK, I thought the real definition of toddler and toddlerkon was ages 1-3, besides there's already a few pics of Bonnie Anderson from Toy Story, and she's only 4. And there are also pics of Maggie Simpson from The Simpsons as well, so I don't see why you guys are complaining about this. Maybe we should just ask Titanium?
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Random_Anon: @Anon3
For Anais, they're supposed to be her white shoes/boots.
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Anonymous6: Thank you for telling me Random_Anon. I didn't know.
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Random_Anon: ^
You're welcome.
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Anonymous7(2): The pic looks just like the show. :)
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Anonymous8: It's not toddlercon if she's not even human.
And it's about time we get 34 of Anais; she's the best character on the show.
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Random_Anon: ^
Thank you for the explaination, so I suppose I'll keep drawing more Anais then. And I really hope others will too.
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Franky_Whiskey: they be just playing doctor. Just like I used to when a kid...
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Random_Anon: ^
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jaycro: wat are u ppl decent and god fearing

this pic is great
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Anonymous9: looks great. sould make more of her.
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Anonymous10: dont know wtf TK is but shes a fucking animal and a cartoon so what does it matter??
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Random_Anon: ^
TK stands for Toddlerkon. Which this pic is technically exempt from.
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Anonymous11: SEQUEL! SEQUEL!
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Anonymous12: Dude y r not making more? At least ask palcomix or zone to finish d job.
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Anonymous__0: Well, I was away for a month and ½, and I thought more people were gunna work on Anais or Carrie. Well Randon_Anon, this looks like the best picture were gunna get Anais. Thanks for trying your best, and in this case, this one was pretty good. Damn, I wish I had even an inkling of how to draw because I'd certainly be keen to contribute.
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Anonymous13: Yourfucked.jpg
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Anonymous14(13): You'refucked.jpg
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mutegoth: ^ who is it for then
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Anonymous15: Pedophilia is pedophilia....doesn't matter if the person is real or animated. You're a sick fuck.
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Anonymous16: Anon 15, have you even watched America's funniest home videos? Or someone getting hurt on the internet and enjoyed watching it? Oh really? You have?!

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Anonymous17: thier neither socks nor shoes thier shocks!
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Anonymous18: oh god you think this is bad i googled rugrats and about page 30 it showed all the rugrats kids naked and crawling all over jesus
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Anonymous19: Those of you who bitches about anais being on here should press the red x button turn it the fuck off if you dont like it then what the fuck are you doing here go back MLP
Im a furry and a proud bunny lover

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