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Anonymous1: Needs rule 34 on katy perry's latest mini movie showing tits, without the blur ruining it. Looks shooped.
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lazarus: Needs rule 34 on katy perry's TGI Friday Night, with tits shooped in. Unless, someone leaks a uncensored version, doubting it. That'll make my night.
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lazarus: lol I accidentally a anon message.
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Anonymous2: there's a chicken fillet in the way... the blur is grey... even if it were uncensored we'd see jack...
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Anonymous3: id do anything for katy..
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Anonymous4: This makes a certain part of my body very happy.
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Anonymous5: fuckin hot as fuck
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Anonymous6: Id bang the fuck out of her
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Anonymous7: Miss so much her mid-20s period when she made the boom. I mean, I love her even now. But in that period, her hair style, music and more childish-like attitude were something very different and special. After "Prism" she changed, maybe just grew up. A real woman now. Love you, Katy <3 always.