Anonymous9: Anon 5, 6, and 7
Id hit y'all... hit y'all with my custom, weighted, metal bassball bat in your faces so much, that when someone looked at you they would laugh and start yelling "Hey! Everyone! Look! Its troll face!"
Anonymous12: Anon6
What exactly IS a "bassball bat?"
Lvl3 Goblin Assassin
Internet tough guys all up in my grill. Either you like it or not. If not, just let it be (Or even have some decensy in your comment. Props to Anon11 on this). I personally love this
Does the artist have a gallery somewhere like Hentai Foundry?
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Id hit y'all... hit y'all with my custom, weighted, metal bassball bat in your faces so much, that when someone looked at you they would laugh and start yelling "Hey! Everyone! Look! Its troll face!"
What exactly IS a "bassball bat?"
Lvl3 Goblin Assassin
Internet tough guys all up in my grill. Either you like it or not. If not, just let it be (Or even have some decensy in your comment. Props to Anon11 on this). I personally love this
Does the artist have a gallery somewhere like Hentai Foundry?
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you'll learn to fap to this.
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