Anonymous4: ^Screw both of you guys. Pubic hair is beautiful and it distinguishes the real, sexually mature women from the naked underage shaven rats that you two seem to be fond of.
Anonymous6: Anon5 you can kiss my ass, and ClericBard, Wow, you seriously need to take your ass back to elementary school and learn how to spell and speak english. BTW, Im from Chicago, you dumb son of a bitch.
Anonymous11(5): Anon4 is still mad. Shut your stupid fucking mouth and look at the hairy picture if you don't like this one. By the way, CATS ARE COVERED IN HAIR SO THERE IS NO NEED TO PENCIL IN PUBES ON THEM. HURR stupid fucking Anon4.
Anonymous20: Oh how I enjoy the pubic hair edition so much. I won't complain though, I like them both. So I don't bother trying to decide, I just put them both side by side and rage fap while listening to heavy metal. Its an adventure of pleasure!
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Learn to spell.
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