Anonymous7: You will therefore be taken to the dune sea and cast to the pit of carkoon, the nesting place of the old powerfull sarlacc (aka Morrigan's va-j-j)
Anonymous8(7): You will therefore be taken to the dune sea and cast to the pit of carkoon, the nesting place of the old powerfull sarlacc (aka Morrigan's Vag-jayjay).
Anonymous10: Holy jesus
(continues staring) that even possible?
(fingers get dangerously closer)
I know I don't want to risk it but
(fingers already their)
^fuck it I'm drunk!
- Reply
- Reply
- Reply
- Reply
(continues staring) that even possible?
(fingers get dangerously closer)
I know I don't want to risk it but
(fingers already their)
^fuck it I'm drunk!