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TagsGENZOMAN, Krystal, Star_Fox
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Sintime: Slightly larger of >>301573 clothe removed from hips as well and the color toned around the parts that matter
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Fara_Phoenix: I don't see much here that would matter for me.
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Spoonman: ^ But since nobody gives a shit about what matters to you...
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Sintime: This is Fara Phoenix's way of crying about not being able to make that starfox game, and realizing she will never be in one ever... but more than worth it to see something like this.
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Fara_Phoenix: Spoonman, there is one question I always wanted to ask you...
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Spoonman: In any case, large resolution size generally garners a stay here, doesn't it?
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Spoonman: @ Fara- Yes, nobody gives a shit. Also before you ask- you will die alone. I assume, those being the two questions that matter to you, you have nothing more to say.
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Sintime: Fara will die at the merciful, but justful hand of Kursed, it will be the only way she can truly have peace.
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Fara_Phoenix: No, Spoonman, the question is quite simple.
i suck yo dick?

Sintime, Fara can not die.
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Spoonman: It took you two posts to type "i suck yo dick" and you used it incorrectly. You can stop trying.
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Fara_Phoenix: Oh, it didn't take me two posts, I was just waiting for the voice of the people.
Also, please, learn to quote properly.
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Sintime: *eats popcorn*
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Fara_Phoenix: A wise decision, at last.
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Sintime: A wise decision would be to discontinue your misguided decision to bash Krystal
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Fara_Phoenix: A wise decision would be to openly agree on the fact that Krystal and Fara are at least equals.
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Sintime: A wise decision would be to decide that that statement is utterly false, one is a NPC and has yet to make any games, and has little fan base.
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Fara_Phoenix: Small, but extremely dedicated, for good reasons. A large number of Krystal fans are just a bunch of drooling perverts, goes to show it's not about quantity, but quality.
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Spoonman: Nobody short of your sockpuppets is going to suck your needleprick in telling you that.
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Sintime: Dedicated in just causing Drama it seems. Oh, and being hypocritical. :)
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Fara_Phoenix: Drama? Only because you actually reply. Hypocrites? They're everywhere, you just don't look at your own side because it's Krystal.
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Sintime: Every action you've taken has been hypocritical.
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Fara_Phoenix: Then I'll send your sentence right back as reply.
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Spoonman: Stop telling him what you're going to do and just fucking do it you furfag failtard.

"Every action you've taken has been hypocritical." Did it for you- you can suck your own dick, now, nobody's going to do it for you.
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Sintime: Yeah Fara, because I totally complain about OOC characters with Star Fox characters yet endorse being with another one. I completely complain about the the art drawn of Krystal, yet ignore the worse art Drawn of Fara Phoenix. I dislike a character based on what the fan base is doing, because of fan fiction, yet ignore my own actions of causing hatred for the character that I like ammoung many people. ... I could add in more if you like, I'm sure there's others here that would agree with me
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Fara_Phoenix: 1) You forgot the orca, and GAF was just a means of self-defense against this "Fox"'s comments. Yes, I know there's holes in my logic, try to fix them yourself.
2) I ignore it because it isn't worth my time. Krystal art, however, always makes you show these fascinating and amusing reactions.
3) How is that hypocritical now?
4) Just as I am sure quite a number will agree with me as well.
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Spoonman: ^ But since nobody gives a shit about what matters to you...
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Sintime: "Fascinating and amusing reactions?" Nice attempt to cover, but you puesdo bashing/trolling gives me the entertainment. Sure I could actually end all of this with all I really know about the situation and what I've gathered... But why do that? Like I said, I like the entertainment.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, please, your lines and mine are entirely interchangeable.
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Spoonman: Wow. That's... desperate- trying to pretend there's someone as fucktarded as you are.
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Sintime: SO then Fara, do you want me to explain why I'm saying that in great detail?
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Fara_Phoenix: Do you want me to explain why I could hardly care less about your attempts at threatening me?

Honestly, it's always been a mystery to me why you are so aggressive - it's not like I've done anything wrong :P
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Spoonman: ^ Says the faggot that gets butthurt over fictional characters.
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Sintime: You've done a lot wrong ... first of all, I'm very perceptive and I look for patterns in behavior and I try to notice everything. That should tell you something at least. They aren't threats, I have pretty good examples and proof to back it up. You make every attempt in preventing yourself from being liked and making enemies. How many friends/associates do you have in real life?
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, you know, trying doesn't mean being successful.
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Sintime: That didn't answer my question, and I worded that wrong, I meant to say, you prevent every attempt in making yourself liked, and just make enemies instead.
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Fara_Phoenix: What if I don't give a shit if people like me?
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Sintime: What are you 14 going through that rebellion phase? I'm starting to take Spoonman's side here
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Sintime: Also, you care enough for a fictional video game character to like you, no wonder why ...
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Fara_Phoenix: 14? You're ten years off. Thanks for thinking I'm younger, though.
Oh, and you always were on Spoonman's side.

As for the second post, sure you're writing to the same person?
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Sintime: No, writing to you, I doubt I'm 10 years off, there's more than just physical age, there's mental age, and maturity ammoung other things, You've named yourself after a fictional character, so that means something at least. Thanks for making Furries look bad.
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deathstriker: Without trying to play devils advocate here I doupt Fara or any other Fara for that matter can hurt Furries more than their lack of discretion and their luck of rules considering the fandom.
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Sintime: If that's so then it's because of the other individuals out there like Fara.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, it may as well be because of those who are like you.

Not to mention I'm not the only one who has named themselves after a fictional character. There are reasons for this, reasons which differ and which you are not to guess or to judge.

As for be honest, you deserve not to see anything of mine.
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Sintime: The ones like me would make sure there's less of ones like you, either you're literally a mental case, or you're really bad at trolling. I think it's a combination of both.
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Fara_Phoenix: The ones like me would make sure the ones like you do not succeed. Honestly, you want to be left alone, yet every time I make a comment you immediately switch into attack mode one way or another.
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Sintime: When did I say I want to be left alone? Everytime you make a comment, you're either complaining or bashing a Krystal picture, and then turn around and endorse the same thing with Fara phoenix picutre. I'm just pointing out your impeccable logic and reasoning.
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Sintime: One of the mains reasons I keep replying to your comments at the moment, is because I like looking at this picture mostly.
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Anonymous1: Not porn, just excellent artwork.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, there is a notable difference between Fara and Krystal.
Whatever happens to Krystal instantly is old, because you can be sure it happened to her before.
Whatever happens to Fara probably never has been drawn until now.

And about the quality of the artwork...
Krystal - there's so much around, it gets annoying.
Fara - regrettable exceptions, and here you have to take what you can get.
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Sintime: Nice job of avoiding the issues, but as you are under scrutiney, It would seem likely you wouldn't answer. Whatever is drawn of Fara will never come close to 10 percent of what you currently see, and never will.
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Fara_Phoenix: Wich is why I put the probably there. If you think of yourself as all-knowing and all-seeing, then please, do so, but without making assumptions of what I've seen of Fara.
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Sintime: Anyone can come up with anything to draw, it just depends on the imagination, nothing will happen to Fara because no one gives a damn what happens to her one way or the other. Except maybe you. Oh, and I am all-knowing and all-seeing, I have a very wide third-eye
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Fara_Phoenix: Then, if you are all-knowing and all-seeing, please, tell me how you couldn't see the eternity in Fara's existence?
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Sintime: Yes, I saw the eternity of Fara's eternal stupidity and uselessness
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Fara_Phoenix: This is not her existence, it is your perception of her, which is perfectly wrong.
Proving you are a liar, and neither know nor see all.
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Sintime: I was talking about the person naming themselves after her, obiviously the perception you chose to believe is perfectly wrong. Proving my above statements
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Fara_Phoenix: Well, I was talking about the character herself.
Proving you failed to insult me.
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Daxioso: And this, kids, is what adults do in their spare time, arguing on the internet. Pathetic really.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Rule, kids: Never grow up, end like this guy.
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Anonymous2: drama, yippee
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Anonymous3: Who the fuck is fara Phoenix and why do they sound like a Mary sue
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AceFurry: Just enjoy the picture, guys.
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Pigma_Dengar: anon3: Fara Phoenix is effectively a Mary sue that appeared in some nintendo power comics and was supposed to appear on starfox2 (ditched to make way for starfox64).

If you wonder about the user, well, ask around. I'll guarantee you'll receive many colorful answers!
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Anonymous4: Fara is a mary sue. END OF STORY.
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Anonymous5: Fara is a retard. END OF STORY.
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Vicarious_Reality: really?
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Anonymous6: I think I see the problem here, and I can very simply rectify it: User-Fara is obsessed with a video game character who never even really made a video game appearance. Butthurt over this, User-Fara takes it out on Character-Fara's spiritual successor, Krystal, and claims to hate Krystal because Krystal's fans want to see her naked, so they draw it up because, get this, she never gets naked in canon.

Fara. This is coming from someone who doesn't give a shit and just wants to see some porn. Shut up, grow up, and fap. If you really are 24, you're making our (as I am 21) entire generation look like sacks of shit.

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