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Anonymous1: erniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerrniggerniggerniggerniggernigge
iggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigge rniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerni
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Anonymous2: You know what I don't like? When people come round here, open a link, then complain about the content. You can see what's there before you click, so if you don't like it, don't click, don't open it just to rant and complain about people who like something about the series that you don't. Complain or comment about the art style? fine. Comment about something odd, funny or off in the content? cool. But don't waste our time with a rant about how much someone loves or hates Sasuke, loves or hates Naruto or loves/hates any other character, it's just porn.

Don't like it? Then don't click the damn link.

...Damn it, now you got me to rant. >:(
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Anonymous3(1): WhiteWhiskey... seems more like WhiteGAY muhahahahahahahhahahhAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA
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fgw: ^
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Anonymous4(2): Go fuck a cactus Anon2
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Anonymous5: NARUTO ORGY
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Anonymous6: retype678: Allow me to break that down into a simpler, easier-to-agree-with sound byte...

Naruto and Sasuke both suck, but in different ways.

Sasuke's still the worst character ever, though.
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Anonymous7: Even simpler: retype, STFU and GTFO
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Anonymous8: I wonder if rule34 is like the only place that has some guy write a long ass fucking diatribe about Naruto in porn.
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Anonymous9: My god, WhiteWhiskey, you are a bigger faggot than even StopMe. Congratulations fucktard.
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Anonymous10: Don't let it bother you whiskey. It's norm now to have a sasuke-fanboy troll any and all pics that have naruto banging any girl. Just enjoy the picture.
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Anonymous11: retype... Why bother to comment on an art you do not like? Live and let live, as the saying goes. Let fans enjoy the art without others ruining it for them. Just do not comment on any art you do not like, okay?
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Anonymous12: Phew, thats some rant, longest I've seen on paheal so far. I gave up on the first paragraph XD.
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Anonymous13(1): ^ Anonymous8... ...seems more like AnonimousGAY... muhahahahHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA
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Anonymous14: Anon10... Troll you are, gay you are. Idiot.
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NoNameGiven: who ever coloured this missed a couple of toes.
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Anonymous15: Anonimous12 more like AnonimousGAY muhahahaHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAAHHHHHHHHH
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Anonymous16(14): LOL! Anon12 just called himsslf gay! XD
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Anonymous17(14): (snickers) Anon12 targeted and shot himself. XD
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warrior: all things naruto is utter CRAP.
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Franky_Whiskey: Pictures say more than 1,000 words...well, NOT AROUND HERE!
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Anonymous18: retype, man, you have serious problems.
Serious. I mean it.
You are ranting about colored pixels,
representing characters who don't exist.
Nice work there, seriously.
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Anonymous19(11): retype... You're entiled to your opinion, but to rant like that shows what you think of the character, and that is pretty much 'bashing' right there.

There are fans who like Naruto as a character and thinks he deserves love after having a lonely childhood, so giving him a harem is not far a stretch for anyone who like to see him be loved. You don't like the character, that's you, but you do not have to rant your 'opinion' on an art you do not like given you do not like to see him have more than one girl.

So I recommend to not bother stating your 'opinions', given they're just 'bashing' anyway.
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Anonymous20: Retype, we get it, you don't like the character of Naruto. That's fine. But seriously, was it really necessary to put an essay about it in a porn picture?

It's PORN! I've seen pics of Naruto being gangbanged by an army of futanari Hinatas. If you don't like Naruto, then don't go around looking at pics of Naruto having sex and bitching about them.

And really, your rant didn't really have anything to do with the picture. It was just a generalized rant that could be summarized "I don't like Naruto or those who like him! They all suck!"

And yes, you are entitled to your opinion. Just like we're entitled to our opinion that you, sir, really need to find something more to your life than bitching about pictures of the sex life of a fictional character posted on a booru site.
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Anonymous21: Okay, retype, let me set this out for you in simple terms.

Naruto is the main character, therefore he is the most recognizable, even if you've only seen one episode. That's why he's in porn a lot - it's BASIC marketing theory.

Naruto is the only character to regularly use the Shadow-Clone jutsu, which is why he's often portrayed in harem situations with it.

Naruto is canonically a nice guy, which is why he's usually portrayed that way in porn. Why would that surprise you?

Sasuke is canonically an asshole, which is why he's portrayed that way in porn. Why would that surprise you, either?

That isn't some kind of well-thought-out essay regarding the qualities of shounen protagonists, which intends to be correct and accurate. That is a goddamn orgy pic drawn by some bored straight guy in fifteen minutes. Naruto's in porn a lot because he's the main character - you don't have to look any deeper than that. When has porn EVER been - or even claimed to be - following series canon? It's ludicrous to think it would.

You want to know what pisses me off? It's Sasuke, and this is about CANON, mind. In no uncertain terms, almost EVERY SINGLE FEMALE IN THE SERIES (up to and including the Mizukage, who is probably 50 years his senior) has been attracted to him in some way. The only explaination given is that it's because he's an Uchiha, and Uchiha are naturally attractive to women for some reason. Despite that, from my point of view, they're no more or less attractive than anyone else. Certainly, Sasuke is no idealized idea of male beauty.

It worked okay in part 1 because there was a lot of comedic elements, but now it's just jaw-droppingly contrived. I don't like it, but then again, I don't like Sasuke.

He wasn't even supposed to EXIST. Kishimoto was pressed by editors to create a rival character for Naruto, very late in the creative timetable. He had already come up with probably most of the plot, which is why Sasuke is shoehorned in everywhere. Just look at the series of events; he doesn't really DO anything, just makes Naruto depressed for pretty-much seemingly no reason. It's what transformed the series into a rather typical shounen, easily-defined-heros vs. easily-defined-villians, into all that... plus Sasuke.

Just try it once. Remove Sasuke completely from the series, and see what happens. Does it affect Itachi? Not really. Does it affect Madera? Not in the least. Does it affect Naruto and his ascension into sagehood and fulfillment of his heroic destiny? Fuck no! He's just sorta there, floating around. It actually makes me laugh, nowadays.
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Anonymous22: WTF Retype, nobody gives a fuck about what happens in the actualt series, this is Rule fucking 34, these going to be porn of it from every angle and with everyone
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Franky_Whiskey: ok, Retype.

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Anonymous23: Two days and no Stopme. I'm rather surprised.
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Anonymous24: you see? that's why i would love to be able to use tha Shadow Clone Jutsu. i'm so jalous of Naruto right now.
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Anonymous25: Holy shit, I'm not reading what Retype said. Did anyone. He wastes his life writing essay on this site when normal people look at the porn instead.
Man retype are you happy with your life? Cause I'm my ass off at you XD
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Anonymous26: Anon24 seems more like AnonGAY muhahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHHHHH
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Anonymous27(25): SHIELD!!!
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Anonymous28: A24 genius O-0
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Anonymous29: Lol Retype, keep crying bitch attractive and successful African.
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Krawczyk: anon22: The other essay writer did.
And omfg his essay was genius.
Garfield without Garfield meet Marysueland without TopBean Marysue.
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Anonymous30: agreed !!! anon 18 for president !!!
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Anonymous31: retype678 sasgay is waste of space just like you and your lifetime partner stopme.
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Anonymous32: That was a hell of an essay retype, but you seem to have forgotten one thing- this is PORN. We're not here because we love Naruto's personality, we're here to get our fap on.
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Anonymous33: @Anon20: stopme and retype are the same troll
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: go fuck yourself
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Anonymous35: Something I wish Naruto end with him having orgy with all girls here. A man only can dream.
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Violetty: But where's Tsunade???

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