Anonymous4: if that is fat, your perception of females is really really reaaaaally awry and totally off. no wonder they all get anorexic, its the only way to please such people? oO
Anonymous6: Sienna is someone who can draw art, yet always manages to somehow not draw art, if you know what I mean. There is always something slightly uncomfortable about everything Sienna draws.
Anonymous16(15): She is a bit meatier than the average draenei you see drawn, but I don't see a problem with that :) Although I would just criticize that her midsection is drawn a bit awkwardly. The shape is a bit wrong and uncomfortable to look at. But everything else is great :)
Anonymous18(2): I've always loved Sienna's art, but she has a tendency to shorten up and truncate parts of the anatomy. For the size of those hips the thighs need to be longer. For the size of those palms the fingers should be longer. For the size of her neck/cheeks her head needs to be a bit longer, though I do recognize that this character is supposed to have a small face.
ShadowHunter: Anon17, you don't have the guts to do it anywhere else, I guess? People on Rule34 are assholes just for the sake of being assholes. Is this the only place you can act tough because people in real life just spank you around then?
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That is called FUCK YES.
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also, we dont have to say good things about shit, learn to deal with it or GTFO here, back to your deviantart hugbox
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is this the only place you post now, or is there more out there somewhere?