Anonymous3: Manly face ruins what otherwise would have be an excellent pic. I guess this is why Meesh doesn't draw fanart often, he doesn't keep the faces very on-model.
Anonymous7(3): Why, I'm fairly easy to satisfy, Anon5. As long as a picture is generally consistent I can appreciate it even if it came out of MS Paint. It's not like I'm nitpicking for no reason, even Anon2 brought up the face problem before me, which means we're onto something here and our points are valid. I'm just giving constructive criticism and I'm not saying the pic sucks, all I'm saying is that it's imperfect, and whether it's free or not is irrelevant to its aesthetic value.
What I want to ask is, what are you angry about? Are you actually Meesh? If so, learn to take note of criticism instead of getting mad over it.
Sintime: Fara Phoenix, if I'm going to say something you'll know I'm saying it, I'm not a retard who needs to jump off and and on of his 10000th account to reply to my own comments or to back up my other "comments" with them.
Also, projecting yourself onto others when accused of doing something(and being proved to be guilty of it) is getting really old.
It's one thing to ask someone to draw free art for you, then it's another to act arrogant or complain when someone takes time to draw a picture for you and then act snobby because it's not up to your expectations.
Other people besides me that are sane, within the collective mentality of this site, might also find it a bit inimical to constantly pursue that attitude. I noticed it's always, even more so a recurring pattern from people with no artistic talent, or don't otherwise contribute anything themselves. Why is it always the ones who do the the most little, that complain the most?
Sintime: Of course you can't read it, because the mass of people like you have the attention span of goldfish, there might be medication for you to take to help with that, admitting you can't read simple paragraph isn't something I would be stating.
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Probably why his muzzles always tend to look the same.
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Also, who would pay for porn if you can get it for free one way or another?
What I want to ask is, what are you angry about? Are you actually Meesh? If so, learn to take note of criticism instead of getting mad over it.
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Also, projecting yourself onto others when accused of doing something(and being proved to be guilty of it) is getting really old.
It's one thing to ask someone to draw free art for you, then it's another to act arrogant or complain when someone takes time to draw a picture for you and then act snobby because it's not up to your expectations.
Other people besides me that are sane, within the collective mentality of this site, might also find it a bit inimical to constantly pursue that attitude. I noticed it's always, even more so a recurring pattern from people with no artistic talent, or don't otherwise contribute anything themselves. Why is it always the ones who do the the most little, that complain the most?
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That said, I back Sintime on this.
Theres' me tupence
fagfriend then.- Reply