Anonymous3: Beastiality (V): The act of haveing
sexual relations with a animal. (AKA) A unaware,
a not selfconscious animal. Now its a whole nother
story if the "animal" IS self aware and can speak
and understand a human language. Then if the
"animal" can consent to the sexual relations it is no
longer beastiality. After all, HUMANS ARE
ANIMALS. And each race is like a different
species. Us and ponies are all mammals.
iKami: Hey Anon. "Bestiality" is a noun (n), not a verb (v).
"nother" is not a word.
Use "an" instead of "a" when preceding a vowel sound.
Use a comma after this usage of "Then."
"It's" is "it is" or "it has," not "its."
Races aren't species.
Use "we" not "us" as your collective personal pronoun in your final sentence.
Your "dictionary" definition just highlights the fact that you didn't use one.
(Last time, I do this--I swear, just pissed at this copy pasta slug)
Anonymous4: I dont mind the fur, infact, it compliments this pic. I dont like that you cant see her cutie mark, thats one of the most atractive things about the ponys.
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sexual relations with a animal. (AKA) A unaware,
a not selfconscious animal. Now its a whole nother
story if the "animal" IS self aware and can speak
and understand a human language. Then if the
"animal" can consent to the sexual relations it is no
longer beastiality. After all, HUMANS ARE
ANIMALS. And each race is like a different
species. Us and ponies are all mammals.
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"nother" is not a word.
Use "an" instead of "a" when preceding a vowel sound.
Use a comma after this usage of "Then."
"It's" is "it is" or "it has," not "its."
Races aren't species.
Use "we" not "us" as your collective personal pronoun in your final sentence.
Your "dictionary" definition just highlights the fact that you didn't use one.
(Last time, I do this--I swear, just pissed at this copy pasta slug)
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