Anonymous3: Dont over estimate yourself, Peruvian furfag...
Want to talk about your past ?
How about you and your little friends (Krezz Karavan) tell everybody about your involvment on Softpaw Magazine ?
Anonymous4: Pathetic! I can't believe that approx 6 years ago i used to want to take commissions from this fag. Thank goodness i didn't, and his drawing become more and more shitty with time as well. Have you noticed that his fag stuff on those reardeliveries, proves that he's a regular basement furfag who can't work on normal job and lives only by drawing his shit. In 1-2 years he'll be done for. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a part of
Anonymous6(4): It's true, unfortunately from most Pal members BBMBBF has the worst rep. You think babs is his worst obsession you haven't heard the shit he used to tell me when were chatting, he doesn't even suspect that the person who is spreading all the private humiliating info on is one of his very close friends. Giving a hint we both used to work on Pal, we did lot's of projects together. Eeeh too much info given away... :D Pietro you have two options either leave inkbunny and fa yourself or i will help you. Reason? Easy... CASH! Cheap motherfucker!
Anonymous9(4): Oh Haw-Haw!!! I wish i knew what to say but i just can't... this makes me lol so much!!! XD next thing you know he will be uploading photo's of his dick i mean he has enough courage to draw this crap, go for it fag! XD
deathstriker: @Pietro or BBMBBF, I know you probably wont see this because you dont visit here or even if you do fat chance you will ever read my comment and even if you do you wont be give enough credance to it since I never commented/faved/watched/heard about you or your work or your profile besides here in R34, but I wont you to know this;
You have caused a huge ammount of rage whinning and butthurting among the anonfag community.
I dont know what have you done to them but whatever it was good job mate! Keep doing it, it is so hillarious to see them fail (again) so hard when they see your pictures.
Long story sort, you got one more fan there mate.
To all anons; Feel free to keep cursing/trolling/harassing/complain/whine or any other form of butthurt your small brain can accumulate these kind of pictures, you are just justifying all the other users choices of never wanting to affiliating with you.
deathstriker: And it sure will be more Sintime but I think I made my declaration clear, I believe I will let the anons have the last word in this, I am really sure I dont need it.
deathstriker: @Mr.Anon The undoubtelly good quality of the picture is not the concern of my "rant", also Im not sure they are the same person Sintime because before I start write this I saw the picture;s score was "-2".
Whispers: No offense fags but you all have a head stuck in your freaking ass. For those who are incredibly stupid, the whole drama is because some pal members want to loose pietro permanently from further pal releases. Knowing that he will again show up and want to be part of the project, they want to perma ban him from all pal related stuff. But here's the deal he doesn't even remotely suspects that his own so called friends are the one's who's going to take him down. The reason why it's kept quiet is because there will be pietro defenders like always and the other half who want to make sure that everyone is of same opinion to vote him down. Again it's pal drama and has nothing to do with his drawings.
deathstriker: Now that is interesting Whispers, so you are telling me that some Palcomix artists are so jealous of Pietro's being the most recognizabled and famous person in the "company" and if I understand corect and if what you say is true then they want to get the bite he has now in the commisions "pie" is that it?
Well that changes a lot of things, well when you are working in the porn industry you are bound to meet some bitches along the way. So do you have/want to share any proposal with us?
More interesting if she was giving it to elmer.
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Want to talk about your past ?
How about you and your little friends (Krezz Karavan) tell everybody about your involvment on Softpaw Magazine ?
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You have caused a huge ammount of rage whinning and butthurting among the anonfag community.
I dont know what have you done to them but whatever it was good job mate!
Keep doing it, it is so hillarious to see them fail (again) so hard when they see your pictures.
Long story sort, you got one more fan there mate.
To all anons; Feel free to keep cursing/trolling/harassing/complain/whine or any other form of butthurt your small brain can accumulate these kind of pictures, you are just justifying all the other users choices of never wanting to affiliating with you.
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Well that changes a lot of things, well when you are working in the porn industry you are bound to meet some bitches along the way. So do you have/want to share any proposal with us?
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