Anonymous9: Why do people say Ezreal's gay? I've never seen any hints of it in-game, unlike Taric. As far as I can tell it's a joke resulting from the fact that he's not a muscle-bound manly macho-man.
Much like the joke, "Annie is the sexiest character in LoL," it's overused and as a result, not funny in the slightest.
Anonymous15(2): Anon6: Mindblowing!
Anon9: No one said Annie was the sexiest, Gragas is!
Anon12: You're gay for looking at her fingers and not Ez's dick. And apparantly I am now as well and a little creeped out
Anonymous19: I don't get why everyone says Ezreal is gay.
"Oh no, he does the dance from Haruhi! He must be GAY!"
Now, if he did Dedede's BIG GAY DANCE, I could see him being gay.
Unrelated: I always thought of Ezreal as being the bitch. Then again, that could have something to do with me constantly raping him on Evelynn. Yanno, back when Evelynn had a stun. And damage. And could jungle.
>the joke
( -_-)
STFU and enjoy your fap.
Much like the joke, "Annie is the sexiest character in LoL," it's overused and as a result, not funny in the slightest.
Anon9: No one said Annie was the sexiest, Gragas is!
Anon12: You're gay for looking at her fingers and not Ez's dick. And apparantly I am now as well and a little creeped out
Oh, I guess in the original dance the 2 guys are girls.
"Oh no, he does the dance from Haruhi! He must be GAY!"
Now, if he did Dedede's BIG GAY DANCE, I could see him being gay.
Unrelated: I always thought of Ezreal as being the bitch. Then again, that could have something to do with me constantly raping him on Evelynn. Yanno, back when Evelynn had a stun. And damage. And could jungle.
Everyone knows he's is a soccer player