Duncleos: Hmm, bit unlikely since Tenchi is a lot faster and stronger then Vader and force lightning is likely stopped by a light hawk wing. And the Funaho (Aeka's ship) being even scratched by a Star Destroyer is laughable. As it is a case of mystic powered people versus godly powered people.
Well as I said on my hentai foundry account, this was just a commission requested by a guy who claims to run a BIG SW fansite and is a mathmatical genius. heck he even sent me a seperate email detailing how gigaton weaponary could destroy the LHW etc.
Anonymous2: What are you on Dunc? Star destroyers rip away planets and have millions of men with trained fighting experince, this anime has nothing to it!
drifting: and in the background Ryoko is being gangbanged by c3po and r2d2 while george lucas watches from the studio on camera b and jerks off into Spielberg's filthy jew mouth
Duncleos: A Star Destroyer can bombard a city at most, that is it's fire power. A Juraian royal 2nd generation ship can cleave a planet in half using a percentage of it's power using one of its three Light Hawk Wings. There are very few true super weapon vehicles in Starwars capable of planet destruction with direct fire power, being the Death Stars, the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer and the Sun Eater.
Then again, it's never a good thing to mix tech from universes, there will always be but but but mine is better (as I am doing with Tenchi OAV-verse).
As for the image, I think it would have worked better if the artist used the models of the cartoons rather then of the movies. Right now, the Tenchi stuff looks as if it came from another image.
Anonymous6: @Tempro: Light Hawk Wings can fuck over the Event Horizon of a Singularity. "Gigaton" energy outputs ain't got shit on that. In addition, Star Wars has shown energy outputs in the Petaton range and higher (technically the Death Star showed an output of about 1E22 megatons, or 100 trillion times the energy released in the impact that wiped out the dinosaurs), so that "Expert" is lying out of his ass, most especially on the claim of being an "Expert."
Anonymous7: Light Hawk Wings eh? More like Light hawk Wankers commenting here, Palaptine in the comics alone OPENED A FORCE WORMHOLE A SUPER FORCE STORM!
Star destroyers are bigger and can shoot more then the cheap anime. End of. The 'Expert' I bet on is Mike Wong and if its him then your all fucking stupid. How many of you are engineers? How many of you lot have the skilled intellect as he does?
Yeah i thought so.
So enough of this anime fan-wank the empire wins end of.
RebelKomodo: >That feel when you're a fan of both Tenchi Muyo and Star Wars and know that both universes are on approximately the same power level, even taking EU into account
>That feel when you regrettably admit Tenchi with all his Light Hawk Wings active is basically a human Death Star
>That feel when people write off Tenchi as "lolanime" when I got into it do to having some similar themes with Star Wars and Dragonball
Feels bad man
Oh... And the lightsaber, due to how it works, means Tenchi's neck wound would be instantly cauterized.
Faptacular: Let's see...
Darth Vader: Self-fulfilling prophesy whining emo cock-stain.
Tenchi: Mild mannered guy with the power surpassing that of the three ultimate goddesses...
Cling to your dying franchise SW people. I gave up on it years ago and my recovery is going quite well.
Anonymous10: FUCK U FATCULAR! Star wars is a multi-BILLION FRANCHISE! Your franchise can't compete and is dead for nearly 10 fuckin years GET OVER IT!!!
Anonymous11: Palaptine can rape ayeka with no problem, idea of some second Japanese hero going toe to toe with the greatest sword fighter in fiction is just laughable. It really is.
Anonymous12: I'd disagree. Even Ayeka, who is arguably the weakest of the Tenchi cast, other than Mihoshi, would kick the living shit out of Vader and Palpatine.
Well as I said on my hentai foundry account, this was just a commission requested by a guy who claims to run a BIG SW fansite and is a mathmatical genius. heck he even sent me a seperate email detailing how gigaton weaponary could destroy the LHW etc.
So I'm left undecided.
Then again, it's never a good thing to mix tech from universes, there will always be but but but mine is better (as I am doing with Tenchi OAV-verse).
As for the image, I think it would have worked better if the artist used the models of the cartoons rather then of the movies. Right now, the Tenchi stuff looks as if it came from another image.
Darth Vader wins by default.
Star destroyers are bigger and can shoot more then the cheap anime. End of. The 'Expert' I bet on is Mike Wong and if its him then your all fucking stupid. How many of you are engineers? How many of you lot have the skilled intellect as he does?
Yeah i thought so.
So enough of this anime fan-wank the empire wins end of.
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- Reply
>That feel when you regrettably admit Tenchi with all his Light Hawk Wings active is basically a human Death Star
>That feel when people write off Tenchi as "lolanime" when I got into it do to having some similar themes with Star Wars and Dragonball
Feels bad man
Oh... And the lightsaber, due to how it works, means Tenchi's neck wound would be instantly cauterized.
- Reply
Darth Vader: Self-fulfilling prophesy whining emo cock-stain.
Tenchi: Mild mannered guy with the power surpassing that of the three ultimate goddesses...
Cling to your dying franchise SW people. I gave up on it years ago and my recovery is going quite well.