Luci_the_Lucky: Actually, there's a 40+ Washington orgy going on in my wallet right now. But, I'm sure that this is going on in my piggy bank or in the tip cup.
I like that Washington is so obviously pasted in but Lincoln seems to have already been there. lulz.
Just something about that goddamn beard and stovetop of his that makes the log cabins and fangirls of all ages go wild.
Anonymous17: Vuki loses 15 internets for blatantly blurting unknown unknowns. We do not know for sure whether Twin_Uzi was making a remark towards you or not, or whether s/he was in fact making an inadvertent statement that was meant to be funny. Also, I salute these two in all of their secret bondage glory. Now I want to join the Freemasons....
Anonymous23: LOL,LMAO,HAHAHA!!! So this is why america is such a "proud country"? Disturbin',very disturbin'... Im gettin' the hell out of here and i'll never coming back.(thank god im not american)
Anonymous45: This literally killed my hardon. I had a full boner raging and it just withered up and receded into my abdomen. I think I'm sterile now, too.
Anonymous50: I agree with Skwisgaar. Abe would definitely be the bitch. And Anon11 that's "fore fathers". Maybe you were paraphrasing for effect. But having four fathers says more mom doesn't know who the babydaddy is, which is maybe kinky, I guess. Chadwardenn, if I understand it right, through the Revolutionary war and 1812 the Canadians were the only ones who really accomplished anything strategically against US. Also have you noticed that the British like Abraham Lincoln, but for some reason don't seem to like George Washington as much? I wonder why that is. (And what is with all the America bashing? What about this picture make people think that hating the U.S. is topical? Since someone who celebrates Presidents Day must be really anti-American.)
Anonymous51(50): I figure statistically we've had maybe one or two gay Presidents. There are historians who seem to think Abe was the one. I don't think so. Not because too very awesome to be gay, but just simply because I figure that our gay President was probably discreet enough that we'll never know. (And for every Abraham Lincoln there were like five Benjamin Harrisons.) And Washington? Have you seen Martha's cleavage? Yeah, George was straight, or at least bi'. He liked a good set of tits too much to be gay.
MortalAnonymous: lol I just realized I'm looking at this on Memorial Day. Maybe not a president-based holiday, but still seems to add to the weirdness levels.
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(Though the whole "changing chicks into dickgirls" thing gets close...)
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...i need beer, lots of it
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Also your lack of Martha Washington disturbs me.
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I like that Washington is so obviously pasted in but Lincoln seems to have already been there. lulz.
Just something about that goddamn beard and stovetop of his that makes the log cabins and fangirls of all ages go wild.
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"Four score and seven inches ago, our four fathers had one hell of an orgy."
...saving throw successful! lol
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not gay
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Is being a pussy to say I'm not a fag? cause you know what, I'll accept that over being a fag any day. *cough dicksucker cough*
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Also is it me or are thumbnails broken :/
Someone has serious SERIOUS issues . . .
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Fuck yeah!
Smh, some people.
Anyways, I'm loving TwinUzis' comments
How dare you even question that logic!?
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