Anonymous3: The raid failed horribly but with Onxyia's hatchlings killed by the raiders, 5 men were killed, 15 eaten and the rest 5 were force to help repopulate Onxyia's hatchery. After the first three impregnated her with enough seed to provide enough children to repopulate the hatchery, the last two enjoyed the last moments of their lives.
Iluvpr0n: Anon 5 what are you a fucking expert on dragon anatomy? maybe its like the nose and mouth and theres a passage connecting the ass and vag. Or maybe its a FUCKING DRAGOn so we dont know how they work
Anonymous6: A5 read what A3 wrote, what you see in the pic is the last part of the story and in this part she already is fullof semen so the 2 survivers fucking her ass while enjoing their fucking last moments of life! Captain obvious here!
Nowhere in the game does Onyxia appear in this kind of half-human form, though. Totally an artist's thing.
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