Anonymous4: so is this the last one? Id think Sakura would be the culmination of this.
By the way does he have a page he upoads these too? Theres a lot missing it seems from whats uploaded here. Id like to read them all. preferbably in better quality than some of the earlier ones are uploaded here
Anonymous7: I think they already make this spray. Only bad thing is that it isn't for sale and the Government uses it as a weapons project. Google or Wiki 'Gay Bomb' and see that this spray isn't a joke. :D
NoNameGiven: anon 4. it might not be the last sage comic. These where request only and he currently has his requests closed. He says he'll re-open them eventually
By the way does he have a page he upoads these too? Theres a lot missing it seems from whats uploaded here. Id like to read them all. preferbably in better quality than some of the earlier ones are uploaded here
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