fishbunny: Consensus, your salarian-sexy-times pictures are so fucking brilliant I can't even. My favorite has to be the one you did with Jaroth. You got what I perceived to be his character down perfectly in one gorgeous, black and white image. I think he knew he was going to die and that somehow got him off. Then again, I always had a soft spot for that guy XD
If you continue to make hott-ass salarian porn I will be one happy s.o.b
Consensus: fishbunny, I...
Thank you. Comments like yours mean so much to me. I always feel unreal when people say they actually like these. I'm so glad they do. and now i'm choking up so thanks for that as well
fishbunny: You're so very welcome. I also just noticed I went on and on about the Jaroth pic and never even commented on that. I should probably fix that. Speaking of which, I didn't really leave an actual comment about this picture, did I? XD
Tazzik was a bizarre character for me because he sort of broke the mould for the typical salarian cliche. Give me skinny, nerdy, coward salarians any day, thankyouverymuch. Although I loved that prompt fill very much, even more so when I found you did fanart for it ;)
I have to admire the dedication you put in to maintaining salarian anatomy. They could certainly be fleshed out more in the canon, but your little artistic liberties bring them to life even more. So... yeah, this picture is impressive :)
Consensus: Those "artistic liberties" tend to happen when I've been staring at a reference pic for many long minutes and still have no clue what the hell I'm looking at or how it's supposed to work. Happens a lot.
Anonymous5(4): Anon 4 Here. While my comments are done in jest, I cannot get the image of an unwary Salarian getting cornered by a couple of horny Vorcha on the lower levels of Omega. While I am decent at drawing Vorcha I simply lack your Godlike skill at Salarians! :D
Consensus: Anon5: I on the other hand have never drawn a vorcha, so I think we're even. :D Why not try and draw that yourself? Your idea is pretty cool and I'd love to see it happen (especially your own interpretation of it)!
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The more you know!
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This is just as good.
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If you continue to make hott-ass salarian porn I will be one happy s.o.b
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Thank you. Comments like yours mean so much to me. I always feel unreal when people say they actually like these. I'm so glad they do. and now i'm choking up so thanks for that as well
Tazzik was a bizarre character for me because he sort of broke the mould for the typical salarian cliche. Give me skinny, nerdy, coward salarians any day, thankyouverymuch. Although I loved that prompt fill very much, even more so when I found you did fanart for it ;)
I have to admire the dedication you put in to maintaining salarian anatomy. They could certainly be fleshed out more in the canon, but your little artistic liberties bring them to life even more. So... yeah, this picture is impressive :)
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