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TagsFelox08, World_of_Warcraft, draenei
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info614x800 // 351KB // jpg
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MarkF: Sexiest dreanei I've ever seen!
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Anonymous1: Her eyes <3 Damn she is a hottie~
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Anonymous2: It's times like these that I wish we had the ability to jump into the internet so I could plow her into next week.

/end of pathetic rant.
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Anonymous3: Oh hi OP. People WILL notice you samefagging here so mind it.

Also, generic kawaii uguu shit traced from a hentai picture with badly drawn horns and hooves.
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Anonymous4: looks like my draenei pally hot
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Anonymous5: lol this pic sucks
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Anonymous6: Pretty tall claim that the artist traced, anon3. Got some proof to back that up, or did you just feel like being an asshole for no reason?

Also, her horns and hooves like fine to me. It doesn't look all that 'kawaii uguu' to me either, assuming I even understand what you meant by that insult since the picture doesn't look like its style is all that inspired by anime to me.
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Anonymous7: Anon6 is winning. Anon3 can go fuck himself with a rake.
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Anonymous8(3): OP, make it more obvious please with fervently defending yourself and then agreeig with it.
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SONIC_FRIEZA: Hey Anonfag8 aka anonfag3 stop ruining this picture
with your unnecessary trolling just because you don't like the artwork or even me for whatever stupid reason runs through your brain.

The artwork is pretty good and sexy,not the best we have here but very decent so shut your dirt hole and let the people to enjoy the picture.

By the way i never absolutely never post as anonymous since you are the cancer of the net coward guys hiding in anonymity giving insults to
various persons to make your sorry asses feel better and you never contribute anything to this or any site on the net.
It's because trolls like you that many artists added themselves to the DNP list and people think
that this site is the shit hole of the net.
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Anonymous9(3): I didnt think the "artist" is samefagging but that last comment sealed the deal.

"never absolutely never post as anonymous since you are the cancer of the net coward guys hiding in anonymity giving insults to
various persons to make your sorry asses feel better and you never contribute anything to this or any site on the net. "

Saying that on a site closely related to 4chan?

Just add yourself to the DNP list felox, and nothing of value will be lost.

Btw, give tips tp franarok how to samefag better.
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deathstriker: ^SONIC_FRIEZA is not the artist of this piece, he just uploaded it.
And the site is not related to 4chan it BECAME related to it much to the displeasure of the normal folks hanging around here.

Also I agree with what he says about anons.
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Anonymous10(3): >rule 34

>not 4chan related

I hope you faggot(note singular) know about the "rules of 4chan"

hint: the 34th is related to this site

your analravaged samefagging is duly noted. people who got used to anonymous posting quickly notice when some similarly worded posts suspiciously defend OP, eachother, and enything related to those posts.

its like im on a booruu again
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deathstriker: Im sorry Anon10,when you were anon9 I believe you have claimed;"Saying that on a site closely related to 4chan?"
And now as part of that "proof" of that "relation" you bring me just a tautological definition.
By your yardstick then the whole internet is *closely* related to 4chan because you can find porn of existing (and non existing) characters when you search enough.
But the majority normal people on the internet doesnt gives a shit about 4chan and its stupid/retarded MEME's so I kinda disagree with your definition.
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Anonymous11(3): >rule 34 is a 4chan meme

>site started by anons and mostly visited by anons(note the chanspeak at comments)

>some retard whines because of it and wants the site to be "normal" because anons see through his samefagging
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Anonymous12(3): also,

>But the majority normal people on the internet doesnt gives a shit about 4chan and its stupid/retarded MEME

please note how many of the features are related to 4chan memes

please, GTFO this site and take your samefagging fail with you
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deathstriker: The only retard here is you Anon3/8/9/10/11/12 (talk about a samefag huh?)
Rule 34 is not a 4chan meme no more than the intrnet is a 4 chan meme, people have allways drawn existing characters in sexual activities and distributed them to their audience long before 4chan ever being puked into existance. You are just spawning pure tautological nonsense in your head.
Site was not founded by anon,the guy who foundd it has a username so no anon here.
Also anons never in any way contributed in the creation or running of this site in any sense, we the real users run it and you anonfags are just crawling behind it mooching.
Notice the percentage of the featured images with the percentages of real porn Id say it is about 1/500. THAT is how importand your shitty meme are, also look the low scoring of most of them.
Also if you think Im samefagging with SONIC_FRIEZA or another in that picture please call an admin and let him set this straight, you are not going to make yourself look less moronic after all.
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Titanium: ^Wow, you called that samefag exactly
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deathstriker: So he was 3/8/9/10/11/12?
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Anonymous13: Who the fuck looks at the hooves anyway? Good Pic!
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Anonymous14: >.>
still sexy...
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Anonymous15: >rule 34

>not a 4chan meme

>even more agreeing comments

Why do you think people dont notice it?
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Anonymous16: I love when good pictures like DrGraevling`s or Slugbox`s barely get any praise and random artists first bad picture suddenly gets flooded with praise.

The face shitsux and horns look nothing like the ingame ones.
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Anonymous17: A moderator should delete comments made by trols, and the comments should only be available for registred ppl only
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Sintime: Well Deathstriker makes a lot of sense, as if it people think nothing existed before the internet, and all the psycholigcal nature of mankind and all these fetishes just started because the internet was made.
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axaxax: What happened to Felox's pictures?
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Anonymous18(3): Agreed Anon17. Comments are for praising wonderful artists like Felox only ;-)
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Anonymous19(3): omg best artsist ever!!
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Anonymous20: I am with SONIC_FRIEZA, in this website there are a lots of trolls ruining pics with their comments. If they dn´t like a pic, they burn it and harass anyone who defends the image of being the author or to repeat tags (when they themselves usually do)
Is logical that many artists to move from their art ...... psot here to make a drawing, color it and share it for FREE if a bunch of idiots criticize you for it?
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Anonymous21(3): still samefagging anon21?

calling cririque trolling is so deviantart
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jubilation_t_cornpone: ^No, the samefag is still you.

to Anon3/8/9/10/11/12 we now add 18/19/20/22
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Anonymous22: Really its porn you bastard you don't fucking critique it you fap to it im not any ome of these guys but i share thier ideals you are the herpes of the internet all these people win many free internets oh and notice i could still rant and spell everything right dumbass
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Anonymous23(22): Oh btw don"t hate on the guys praising felox if your defending the pic because HE IS THE ARTIST

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