skunkwolfe: I wonder if Prince Blueblood would actually do something like this. Also, do you really think Twilight Sparkle would have anything to do with him after hearing how he treated Rarity at the Gala? Although....she could give him some "humility therapy", BDSM style. >:D
Anonymous5: @deuce: fucking faggot. Get the fuck outta here. Everyone hates fags like you. Why do you fags like getting fucked up the ass! Its like shitting, then having it go back up in you. Get the fuck outta here, and don't come back until you're straight!
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: The prostate gland is located near the anus. It can be stimulated internally through penetration, thus giving the man pleasure. In that aspect, I actually pity straight men, because most of them will never know the feeling of being able to cum by two different methods. If you ever let a woman shove some fingers or a dildo inside you, you'd be surprised at how much you can enjoy it. One doesn't need to be gay to like having their prostate massaged.
By your logic, why would women like vaginal sex, since "it's like menstruating, then having the blood go back up in them"?
P.S.: It's so lame how you had to agree to your own argument since no one else would. Seems like not everyone hates us "fags", after all.
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Lack of Braeburn. LACK.
But I do agree with him.
By your logic, why would women like vaginal sex, since "it's like menstruating, then having the blood go back up in them"?
P.S.: It's so lame how you had to agree to your own argument since no one else would. Seems like not everyone hates us "fags", after all.
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