Anonymous2: bad anon1, her name is Kotori Mizuki, screw 4kids and their pointless skirt edits, most boys watching ZEXAl (or ZeXal) already know what under a girl's skirt.
Breaker: lol people getting mad over censorship
Face it, that skirt size was way too small for any regular person to ignore. Japan is all about giving lolis small skirts, and the only people outside Japan who justify it are the people who frequently fap on this site. That itself is pretty telling.
Anonymous5: I too find the skirt edit pointless,its not like there's any panty shots in the series little kids already know what's under a skirt as a2 pointed out
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Face it, that skirt size was way too small for any regular person to ignore. Japan is all about giving lolis small skirts, and the only people outside Japan who justify it are the people who frequently fap on this site. That itself is pretty telling.
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