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Chef_Retardee: Mmmmn, finger food.
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Anonymous1: i'd jst like 2 ask does anyone get off on Jim Sugomi work cause while i have no problem with it, it makes we wonder how ppl get boners for this kind of stuff.
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DragonShade44: Derp.
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Anonymous2: Where are Yuffie's feet? I wanna lick those.
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Anonymous3: Still waiting for Sexy Icecream with a Loli on top.
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Anonymous4: what the fuck is wrong with you
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Anonymous5: The real scarry thought is that people can identifie who is who, even disfigured as this.

Still, meh, this place is what this place is. Dibs on number 3.
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Anonymous6: Well it's pretty obvious which feet belong to Numbuh 3.
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Anonymous7: I remember commissioning this picture. Good times. This and the other Numbuh 3 ones he did
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Anonymous8: Well, well.

Someone's clearly fucked in the head.
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Skeletalcore: well, that's enough internet for one day
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Anonymous9: My reaction
ooo Tifa is bonded ^_^
wait shes being cooked 0.o
wait those are hands....and feet.... and Breast? 0.0
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evilpika: The lesson here is: Don't click anything if the thumbnail doesn't load. DX
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The_Elder_Troll: Execution though the way you murder in your pictures isn't extremely violent, the fact you would make a picture over canniballism baffles me
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Evil_Lord_Proteus: Why is this artist so insane?
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Anonymous10: This is so fucking hot.
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Anonymous11: You have to cook em alive otherwise there poisin
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Anonymous12: I'd eat it. Looks like a well refined cannibal deli. For us gentlemen cannibals
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Anonymous13: Looks like banica conchita invited the girls arond for diner...
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Anonymous14: that's enough internet for me today...
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Anonymous15: Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! What is wrong with you! What kind of sick, sociopathic, disturbed, psychopathic, inhuman, monster are you?

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