Random_Anon: ^ I know, resizing pics in Paint isn't that great. The first time I resized it was because Blu requested that it'd be the size of a PSP wallpaper. Unfortunatley the file was too big to upload here, many mishaps happened when I tried uploading to other places, ergo I just resized it once again, and posted it on here. :(
Blucan: er... i got a better idea, i heard from a reliable source that you like the new Twisted Metal, so draw Darkside with Dollface painted on the side (in the same pose as the naked mudflap girl on 18 wheelers) i've been thinking of that since the game came out.
Random_Anon: ^ Well, I'm not really good at drawing realistic anatomy, but sure, I'll give it a shot... :) I'm gonna have to do the rest of my requests however, just two more actually, I'll get to it when I can.
Random_Anon: Quick question though Blu, did you want it as a simple chrome silhouette with Dollface's mask on the face, or as an actual nude body?
@ Anon1 I...don't really do gay pics, and when it comes to the El Tigre style, I can't really do, so you're gonna have to ask someone else. Not being harsh or anything, I'm simply denying in the most mannerable way, because the last guy I denied, even politely threw a fit... Anyway, no, any other request you have?
Blucan: whatever you feel like doing. i'm aware you suck at "realistic" humans, but do what you can. trace the real thing for all i care. however, may i suggest you silhouette one, copy it, and fill out the other? 2 variants might be nice. (some dudes prefer mystery i hear)
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But on topic, this isn't half bad, Anon. Keep drawings coming.
@ Anon1 I...don't really do gay pics, and when it comes to the El Tigre style, I can't really do, so you're gonna have to ask someone else. Not being harsh or anything, I'm simply denying in the most mannerable way, because the last guy I denied, even politely threw a fit... Anyway, no, any other request you have?