Anonymous2: Roflcakes, I don't have any problems with Lulu 34, it's cute and hot, but Fiora is a major babe at least on par with Ashe and Katarina (dat ain't no ass - it's a space station!!!!) and there's barely been ANYTHING of her even though she's been out for weeks. Lulu isn't even out yet and we're getting inundated with her. It's just weird.
If you are searching for a LoL lulu you use league_of_legends and lulu tags, if you search for something else you use lulu and whatever_you_want tags, no need to complicate things so first timers wont find lulu
Anonymous3: @Anon2 I disagree, Fiora is French, and therefore undesirable. We do need more non-yordle stuff though.... not that the yordle stuff should slow either. :]
Anonymous11(10): There are millions of great human pics out there, so many that you could never cum to them all. Most are hotter than Fiora. There are only a handful of Yordle pics, and most of them are terrible. We don't need more Fiora. We need more lulu!
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"Lulu_the_fae_sorceress" is the only other tag that would apply.
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If you are searching for a LoL lulu you use league_of_legends and lulu tags, if you search for something else you use lulu and whatever_you_want tags, no need to complicate things so first timers wont find lulu
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Cannot unsee.