Anonymous3: Could be small, you'd be surprised by how small a lot of animal's penises are, like every primate but us. Fuck chimp cock, I've gotta MAN COCK! I use spoons to eat termites and guns in turf wars, and chimps? Sticks and teeth... losers.
Krawczyk: I want an elephant pen0r. But keeping my original body. "Cuse me, pardon me, coming through, COOOOMING through *sprays along while moving through the women's section of the subway, tripping over his own three feet* ah that's the ticket, sorry ladies, pardon me, 'cuse me, watch me leg, it's a bum leg y'know, *exits through the other side*
2 minutes later: passangers realize what just happened and bolt from the subway car screaming.
i vote for the 2nd
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2 minutes later: passangers realize what just happened and bolt from the subway car screaming.
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