Mole: Note to ALL: Future comments by Artist Mole will no longer be under username 'Ruasonid85'. New username will be 'Mole' for purposes of disambiguation.
Also: @A1 I'll try a fire bush version, but minimum resolution of flames may not work.
Anonymous6: Unfortunately, the Guy She was having sex with, at the time, was instantly creamated when She came. No one would EVER know His name, or, what He looked like, except Flame Princess, and, She's not talking!
Anonymous10(8): Finn's thinking:"Where's the Fuck is My Amulet of TOTAL Protection, when I REALLY Need It?! It not only protects against swords, knives, poison, toxins, venoms, punches, kicks, etc, but, also STDs and, pregnancies!"
Mole: Also - Agree with Anon9, future episodes definitly involve artifact [from Choose Goose, or Ice King] of protection, possibly with consequences for overuse [can't make it Too easy].
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Bush or not she's still a fiery, fappable, princess. :D
FP: naw....
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Also: @A1 I'll try a fire bush version, but minimum resolution of flames may not work.
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