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TagsG_Gundam, Gundam, Nobel_Gundam
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Info320x320 // 51KB // jpg
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Amputee_Zelda: Translation?
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TheBeardedGentalman: Yeah, it says "ME SO HOOOORNEY"
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Anonymous1: ^AHAHAHA!!!1!11!!2
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Anonymous2: Not Nobel or G it's from SD Gundam Mushamaruden 2 and the gundam in the picture is Waka who changes into Gundam Riyu Wakamaru and later in book two Kabutogundamu. And though it's clearly going to be hard to tell I'm pretty sure the dick in this picture belongs to his human buddy Chikaratsusan (Did I spend the last few minutes attempting to translate those? Yes... Did I get the books for that reason? Fuck no I just like SD Gundam)

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