Scarlet: @Lazn: Whoever you want, you're the great artist :)
But if you ask me, a interracial with Sazh and Snow (or whoever you choose) if you can ^^
Something like this pic
Lazn: Mmm i haven't done Sazh yet. I have Snow, Noel, Caius,Gadot and Yaag. If you don't want any of this i can start with Sazh, but that'll take some time :S
Scarlet: If it bother you, take whoever you want, I won't mind, I just want the pose if you could :)
But if you ask me, I can wait for Sazh, take your time :D
Anonymous12: Love this! Would definitely to see more of it! Heck, would love to see more Caius/Lightning, Noel/Lightning! And because you mentioned you have Yaag... Yaag/Lightning (and maybe Caius thrown in) please!
Vote up!!! :D
More Lightning with other DP poses would be great if you could <3
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But if you ask me, a interracial with Sazh and Snow (or whoever you choose) if you can ^^
Something like this pic
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But if you ask me, I can wait for Sazh, take your time :D
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