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Demonique: In case you're wondering why the krogan's crest is small, it's because Shep is being awesome space lesbians with the female shaman from ME3
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Anonymous1: Lets hope she doesn't fall into Eve's Vag or she'll be lost for days.
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Anonymous2: ...she's a vis"heave" vision..."shudders"
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Anonymous3(1): Where no N7 has gone before......... and LIVED!!!!
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Cruise17: Cashing in on that breeding request huh?
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Anonymous4: Being 2 ladies I think Shep's checking to see if Eve can handle Wrex.......... She's going in, elbow style!
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Anonymous5(4): "You don't need Wrex Eve! Not when there's a real woman right in front of you........."
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Anonymous6: That tounge sandwich would be all kinds of wrong.