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Uploaderpiet666, avatar
TagsAlex, Beast_Boy, Clover, Cyborg, DC, Robin, Sam, Teen_Titans, Totally_Spies, crossover
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Info600x900 // 260KB // jpg
- Reply
Anonymous1: What of the fuck is this bullshit?!
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Anonymous2: Ha-ha-ha!
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notanonymous: Tagged the stuff I recognized, the rest you're on your own for.

Assuming you can get past the "WTF?!" reaction. I almost didn't.
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Anonymous3: They'll tear out balls off for sure!

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Anonymous4(3): What the fucks wrong with the chick in the first frame? Is she bleeding or something?
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Anonymous5: Beast Boys facial expretion in the last panel, W-T-F?
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evilpika: Any facial expression in this comic is WTF. Also Taffy-Penis
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Anonymous6: They'll tear our balls off, that's for sure!

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Anonymous7: rogue and jean grey
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furriehentaiboy16: whoa
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Shock_Headed_Penor: Nice 3 way word balloon going on in the 3rd panel there...
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Anonymous8: what is this shit?
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Anonymous9(8): what is this shit?
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Anonymous10: Shitty art is shitty!
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bladearts: I dont understand why people hate my art, this is 10 times shittier
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Anonymous11: They'll tear our balls off, that's for sure!

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Anonymous12: WTF is up with there tits
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Anonymous13(12): WTF is up with sams tits in the last panel
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Anonymous14: i lol'd
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kyle724: Beast boy just had a seizure
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Anonymous15: They'll tear our balls of, that's for sure!
- Reply
Anonymous16: I be crying from the lolz

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