Anonymous4(3): The girls r supposed to be 14 and spike is old enough to knowabout sex so he's about maybe 9 to 10
So he looks about right but rarity is to old
Pennicandies: @Anonymous: Anon 8 with my pr0nsmic senses I can confirm that this was indeed drawn by the REAL X-Arielle and not a robot, clone or simulacrum!
Anonymous15: @Anonymous:
@anon3, if you had a girl friend, she is either ugly, or a cockblock. but most probably you don't have one, or else you wouldn't be here.
also, being spike is pretty depressing. being 20inches tall and giving douche patter that just aren't really funny isn't that great. also being a baby/toddler, not to mention.
Anonymous16: Like most cartoon character the girls are designed broadly enough girls in the audience can imagine them any age. People tend to draw Spike younger in any case because he's a dude smaller than the ponies (even though he's a dragon) and he's not really a horndog like he could be if he were based on an older male.
Rule34rulesmylife: @Anonymous: Are you the sarlacc pit? I think that My Little Pony has the most fan output of pics than anything else. Porn and non-porn. I know that this is speculation, but holy good god! Seems to be true here and on other non-porn sites that I visit. BTW, I do love this!
Anonymous18: Anon20 clearly doesn't know how to articulate their feelings for this nice pic. I think what they were trying to state from their foaming mouth of joy was MORE SPARITY34!
Rule34rulesmylife: I wish that I was Spike in this pic. Heck, if the threat of criminal charge can disappear, I also wish that I was Rarity in this pic.
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I love Rarity!
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Yet in Secret of My Excess they weren't celebrating both...
Pinkie dropped the party ball.
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Does that make me spike?
The answer is yes
So he looks about right but rarity is to old
Why can't more porn be like this? :(
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this has to be an imposter
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which means he's probably 13-14, so yeah, this image is making him seem a bit too young
@anon3, if you had a girl friend, she is either ugly, or a cockblock. but most probably you don't have one, or else you wouldn't be here.
also, being spike is pretty depressing. being 20inches tall and giving douche patter that just aren't really funny isn't that great. also being a baby/toddler, not to mention.
Or I dunno fangirls just like shotas.
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