Anonymous5: Saying liking futas makes you gay is tantamount to saying that anything with a cock is automatically masculine and manly. Being attracted to men makes you gay(obviously only if you are a guy yourself), not being attracted to girls who have cocks. Is it entirely straight? no, but it's more "straight with a gay-ish kink" than it is "gay".
Being attracted to masculinity and being attracted to feminine characters who have more sexual potential than normal are two entirely different things.
Anonymous6(5): A7 again. BAsically, the world is not divided down into two distinct groups "people who like their own gender" and "people who like the opposite gender" it's divided into hundreds or even thousands of subtle and overlapping groups.
Anonymous7: Here's the thing I've always heard about chicks with dicks. If you find a girl with a dick attractive, do you automatically want too go fuck a guy then? If the answer is "no", then you're not gay then. Simple.
Jesse's the only girl in this?
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Being attracted to masculinity and being attracted to feminine characters who have more sexual potential than normal are two entirely different things.
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