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UploaderZeroXDash, avatar
TagsAnita_Sarkeesian, Feminist_Frequency, Tim_Buckley
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Anonymous1: >source
>not Tim Buckley, Kotaku, and 9gag
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Anonymous2: >what 4chan actually thinks feminism is about

Hilarious. I love watching people who have clearly never even skimmed a Wikipedia article on sociology whine about it.
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Anonymous3: This shit needs to be featured lol
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous:

Feminism is by definition bigotry and hypocritical.
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Anonymous5(4): @Anonymous:

Hilarious. I love watching people who have clearly never received a proper education and cannot comprehend what the difference between literal and satirical expression... and whine about it.
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Anonymous6: Just saying, if your response to 'There is misogyny in gaming culture' is 'I hope this fucking feminist cutn is raped to death by a million cocks ' then you're really just proving her right.
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Gray_Ghost: @Anonymous7:

It's a bit much, but Anita really is a lousy fucking feminist. Like Lewis Lovhaug, she sees mountains out of molehills. The fact that her shitty project was a Kickstarter that begged for money is also a huge fucking problem.
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Anonymous7: Making Youtube videos costs 150 grand, seems legit.
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Anonymous8: check ur privilege, you should feel bad for being a successful white cis male.

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Anonymous9: "b-but I don't want to cum inside you"
"check your privelege cis scum"
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Anonymous10: You gotta love Anita. Getting men to demonstrate by themselves exactly what inferior creatures they truly are, without even trying.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: and how exactly are they doing that?
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Anonymous12: not enough porn of this chick getting nailed can exist. FUCK THIS FEMINIST CUNT
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RandomGuyNamedChuck: Knowing how anoying she is, makes fapping to this(and porn of her in general) all the sweeter.
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Anonymous13: Wow a herd of raging BKs, first there is a lot of feminist faction, but at not extremes feminist is just women power to set the sexes equal, in which we hav not fully reached today, u know that women get paid less, on other improvements women can be frontline infantry now since 2012. But anywho, how would u like it if men are always the ones in distress in games, having to be saved by a lady. It would of made u uncomfortable. We only need to see some balance, like mix things up a bit
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Anonymous14: all I remember is that tim buckley is a tremendous faggot. can't remember the last time I heard that faggots name.
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Anonymous15(13): And if anyone has any doubts of female gamers, go on youtube and watch Do gamers need Anita Sarkeesian's feminism by PBS Game Show, ur ll get the facts there, but for fun, did u now the oldest gamer is a old lady, her GT is hardcoregranny, her fav games r GTA and dead rising 2.
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Anonymous16(13): Lol Tim Buckley
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Anonymous17(13): The fact that some people raged about this makes gamers look bad like childs, com on bros lets be professional, what do u think nongamers will see us if they saw this. and Hey instead can some one make a fappable pic of her, maby put her in a peach dress, u know.
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Ricky_Roma: @Anonymous: Who gives a fuck what non gamers think you dickfart?
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: look a you retarded ass literally spamming this comment section yet saying we're "a herd of raging BKs"? whatever that means, fuck off back to tumblr. this site isn't made for dumb bitches like you.
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Anonymous19: Feminazi cunts and white knight faggots
are the cancer that is destroying
the gaming industry and poisoning everything
they touch. Stay strong my brothers! We shall not let this filthy cunts destroy the gaming! We shall cleanse them!
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Anonymous20: Porn of any other famous person > Ok.
Porn of Anita > Mysoginy.

Sure, she is a special snowflake imune to the same treatment as normal people because muh feminism!
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tyciol: @Anonymous: Actually no, wanting a particular woman to be raped to death does not mean you hate all women, it only means you hate that particular one. Stop being such a sexist please.
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Feminism is about women equality. Women hating men just because they're men is MISANDRY.
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Krysa_Alisa: @Anonymous: feminism is retarded in any way and if you support or defend it and are a man then you're not a man.
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Farfegnugen: Well, there's a reason to be against GamerGate.
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Anonymous22: @Farfegnugen: This shit was way before gamergate.
This has nothing to do with gamergate, it's was way back when people bitched about anita sarkeesian's project.
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Anonymous23: 11/10 master trole
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notanonymous: @Anonymous: Also, Sarkeesian's only connection to GG is that it's a convenient way of getting attention. I don't think she really gives a shit about gamers either way beyond playing off the gamer stereotype (fat, basement-dwelling neckbeards) for sympathy and money from others.
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Anonymous24: There are people who think Sarkeesian is attractive. What drugs are these people on? Her face looks like that of a retarded horse mixed with a shriveled up prune.
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Rat: @Anonymous: That is an insult to both retarded horses and shriveled up prunes.
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Anonymous25: Someone needs to make a webcomic about this!
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Anonymous26: "Feminist Fuck Frenzy" was a track by Meatshits
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Anonymous27: N I G G E R S !
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Anonymous28: Fellas better stop fapping and fuck real woman in your city, you can find them on

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