Anonymous4: o ya dis gives me such a nice nice bonr i jak off 2 dis every day so much it is so hot babye i be jak of to dis 294u2095u times a seconds o ya
Anonymous6(4): SDFU BELOW AND ALL DA NOOB TALKIN U R MAKING ME MAD............................................................................................................................
Anonymous7: The genre is called Guro or Gore... I'm interested in it and so are a lot of other people. You mister hater. are a proper 'noob' to the internet. learn to speak proper english than please return to the hole in which you came.
Anonymous10: Anonymous13: I think the only reason I even click on a guro pic is to read the arguements! XD
The pictures themselves don't bother me, nor dp I get aroused from seeing them, but I just absolutely love reading all of the arguements that ensue just because of a picture! XD
The pictures themselves don't bother me, nor dp I get aroused from seeing them, but I just absolutely love reading all of the arguements that ensue just because of a picture! XD