Anonymous3: About the same reproductive success rate as a dog and an aardvark. Tauren =/= blood elf
It's nice to see interspecie relationships work, but no one's going to accept that there's a mutant half-tauren/belf running around whose very existence is a sin against nature (*coughMed'ancough*).
Anonymous4: Humorously, tauren are one of the races we have good reason to believe CAN'T produce hybrid offspring. We do actually know that Orcs and Draenei can, Orc/Draenei and Humans can, and Humans/Elves can, so presumably any combination of those four (Orc, Human, Draenei, either variety of Elf) can produce viable offspring. Had an RP character (Draenei) with a Night Elf fiancee, and their future-kids came back in time to say hi. :P
It's nice to see interspecie relationships work, but no one's going to accept that there's a mutant half-tauren/belf running around whose very existence is a sin against nature (*coughMed'ancough*).