Urbane_Guerrilla: You have the desire. What you need now is the skill. Art books will actually help -- something like How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way will teach the shortcuts, but drawing classes and live models and coaching from your class teacher will speed your process. Porn has to have good anatomy or it fails. Humans are tricky to draw, but the tricks can be learned. The best porn also comes from people who aren't virgins. That goes for either sex.
Anonymous2: I had to read that last post a few times, phobos.. but yes; Good, solid critiquing with something to back it all up on is WAY more valid.
And yes, you have desire and drive. Take what nitro980 and Urbane_Guerrilla have said... also, save screenshots to learn toon proportions, show by show; "perfect human anatomy" means nothing if the show's anatomy and proportions do not match up.
- Reply
And yes, you have desire and drive. Take what nitro980 and Urbane_Guerrilla have said... also, save screenshots to learn toon proportions, show by show; "perfect human anatomy" means nothing if the show's anatomy and proportions do not match up.