Anonymous2: Although just good friends, Good Luck Bear and Friend Bear both couldn't resist having quite a bit of fun, for whom Friend Bear appears like and get lucky with Good Luck Bear, who himself can't believe his luck.
Anonymous3: Friend Bear (who is usually aquaintted with secret bear, and coemtimes champ bear) discovers she also has feelings for Good Luck Bear - who in return also fancies her too... for whom friend bear found herself alone with good luck bear, some how leading to newfound (friendly) intimacy between the two fellow care bears of whom just good friends,
Good Luck Bear usually pairs up with Wish Bear, and any other female care bear.... However though, friend bear fondly isolised him and the two end up playfully on the floor and canoodled in-between.
Good Luck Bear usually pairs up with Wish Bear, and any other female care bear.... However though, friend bear fondly isolised him and the two end up playfully on the floor and canoodled in-between.