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Uploadersgtrip, avatar
TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Rainbow_Dash, sgtrip
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Info640x480 // 34KB // jpg
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sgtrip: ................... ]: *waiting on first comment*
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Anonymous1: Yeah, it's incredible shitty
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sgtrip: @Anonymous: XD and there is the critism i was expecting
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Nightweaver20xx: Mommy look what I drawed!
That's so nice, sweetie, that's going right up on the fridge!

... Sorry man. It's ok, keep trying though. XD
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Don't listen to this idiot, it's good.
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sgtrip: @Nightweaver20xx: XD if i showed this to my mom she would beat me to with in a inch of my life

......... also bav i know ur gonna reply to this comment/picture and the truth is i dont give fuck what u say
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Anonymous3(1): @Anonymous: Nah, it's shit and sgtrip is an annoying twat.
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Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: sgtip is a little annoying, but I disagree with this being shit. The guy can draw and there's nothing wrong with this pic, except maybe the OC, but I can live with that.
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Nightweaver20xx: Guys, guys, sgtrip is awesome, and here's why. He doesn't take himself too seriously. He realizes this is all supposed to be fun, just like me, so when I see someone like that it just makes me happy. A furry with a fuckin BRAIN, what a concept. :3
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sgtrip: O_O did i just read someone saying a furry has a brain XD i must not be on r34 then ................. (furry until i die)
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The_Elder_Troll: @sgtrip: Get out of here, stalker!
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The_Elder_Troll: @Nightweaver20xx: DON'T LET HIS CRAZY INFECT YOU! Lets bring you inside for a nice cup of warm soup.
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sgtrip: @The_Elder_Troll: *watches quietly through the window*.......... * then walks out of dark shadow in the corner of the room* XD
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The_Elder_Troll: @sgtrip: Hmm... You just made me respect you A LITTLE BIT more.
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The_Elder_Troll: And you do draw much better than me at the
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sgtrip: @The_Elder_Troll: well thank you then
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The_Elder_Troll: Moment.* Slight more respect.
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sgtrip: @The_Elder_Troll: at the ...........?
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sgtrip: Regard last sgtrip
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sgtrip: XO im so tired right now
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The_Elder_Troll: And now we wait for either bAV, or Gomenasai.
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Anonymous5: Nah, I could care less.
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Anonymous6(5): *Couldn't.
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sgtrip: @The_Elder_Troll: well i guess we are just waitin for bav then
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sgtrip: .........................
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PinkBallons: For the record: I'm okay with this OC, other than the fact that he's with a canon character. But frankly sgtrip, you annoy me and I wish you would just stay away from this website if you're going to keep being an obnoxious douche.
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sgtrip: @PinkBallons: and your opinion about me is supposed to change my way of thinking why?
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Anonymous7(5): @PinkBallons: Ditto.
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sgtrip: Look i really dont giv a fuck what u people think of me if u dont like me thats ur damn problem not mine also im here to stay so get the fuck over it
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PinkBallons: @sgtrip: Because most people aren't so selfish that they don't acknowledge the opinions of others. There are other websites out there where you would get along perfectly with the other members of, and yet you choose to come here. The only logical explanation is that you're an ass who enjoys pissing other people off.
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sgtrip: @PinkBallons: u done raging or do u need more time oh u know what ill just let u rage some more
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PinkBallons: @sgtrip: I'm not angry. Stop trolling, you're terrible at it.
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sgtrip: @PinkBallons: the problem i have is that almost everybody on here comments like a immature little kid all im askin is that people talk to me about their thoughts like a grown person
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Anonymous8: I love how sgtrip is pwning these Brony faggots!!! Keep it up man!
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sgtrip: Ummm........... hey anon5 im a brony to but thanks for the gesture though
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The_Elder_Troll: Anon5 you are literally retarded. I think you should know he is the one who uploaded this smart-ass, and made this, so you just said Look at that brony faggot owning all of those brony faggots. Get out of here.
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PinkBallons: @sgtrip: No, what you want is for everyone to kiss your ass. The only time you're ever "nice" to anyone is when they are on your side. I am expressing my thoughts like a grown person; just because you do not agree with them does not make them immature.
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Anonymous9(8): Pink balloons, you're always angry crying about shit, stfu
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Anonymous10(8): I don't care elder troll anything is worth seeing the true nature of you men-child scum complain, whine, and cry. It's entertainment for the rest of paheal, it makes us also feel better about ourselves.
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Anonymous11(2): @Anonymous: Can you smell that? It seems a lot like butthurt. Wanna hug?
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Anonymous12(2): @The_Elder_Troll: Go easy on him, I reckon he's got that autism thing. All he needs is a hug...
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Anonymous13(8): As if anyone wants a hug from some sweaty overweight mentally stunted adult.
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Anonymous14(2): @Anonymous: Sure you do; you can fondle one my boobs as well if you want.

I know you want to...
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Anonymous15(8): No thanks, don't want to get infected with the FAIL virus, ammong other things.
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Middnightsnack: So I voted up because I don't like negative numbers. But hey. Sgtrip, Your not gonna get anywhere 'till you learn anatomy and base lines. Depending on what you want to draw (weather it be ponies or anthro) I'd get the big book of monsters. It's filled with a guid for base lining and how to do complex drawing and some anthro anatomy. You've got my full support. And a reminder, get a tumblr, something other than this site.
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Anonymous16: I think the pic is good, if u use photoshop get it scanned in and make it look boss
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Anonymous17(2): @Anonymous: "Ammong". Looks like the CAPLOCKS FAIL virus has already claimed you. OH NOES!!!
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Lapp: I'll have post-traumatic nightmares from this thread for whole minutes.
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bAv-R34: Sorry I was late gentlemen, I was late for the train home and I had to find some pumpkins and shit for my house- almost every store is empty of the damned things. ANYWHO...

@Anonymous: @Anonymous: Get better standards, you pleb.
@sgtrip: Go and show it to your mother. I have all of my porn posted up all over my walls and nobody says a thing. Alpha as fuck, mothafucka.
@The_Elder_Troll: it's bAv. And I don't really care about the style or the quality anymore, I've seen worse from other students in my classes. And as for his OC? Eh, it's pretty tame. It's his fucking attitude that irks me.
@PinkBallons: This.
@sgtrip: @sgtrip: You remind me of some autistic kid I ran into a few months back who said he was the ULTIMATE (sic) fan of MLP FiM. He kept claiming that he knew more about the show than Faust does [fucking seriously] and supposedly he was getting all of his facts from ROBLOX. no fucking joke, this kid rustled me REAL bad.
@Anonymous: And yet another fucking pleb with low standards.
@PinkBallons: Also this.
@Anonymous: Lol'd bad.
@Middnightsnack: This is good advice, listen to this guy.
@Anonymous: Go back to Deviantart.
@Anonymous: Shut the fuck up.

TL;DR shut the fuck up SGTrip, we don't fucking care about your OC. All we want is that you shut the fuck up. You're being like Trixie, except that you're actually doing a terrible job, you're not impressing anybody, and you're not making yourself look good. And now I feel like shit for seriously comparing you to best pony, that's pretty insulting for somebody like her.
As for the anons, Shut the fuck up as well. I know you're trying to be cool and witty by claiming all ponyfags are obese autists, but the way you are insistent about that terminology suggests that you never actually seen somebody who watched the show. Just shut up.

Good day, sirs.
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Anonymous18(2): @bAv-R34: Calling people "plebs" and telling others to "shut the fuck up" doesn't make you cool, hombre. Quite the opposite, lad.

"I have all of my porn posted up all over my walls and nobody says a thing. Alpha as fuck, mothafucka."

Tl;DR "I have all my porn stashed away in my basement bedroom, which is also my Fort. No plebs allowed."
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Lapp: @Anonymous: I hate to offend, but please stop talking.

Oh, and tl;dr doesn't work when both sentences are the same length, unless you're dyslexic. Also, following "hombre" with "lad" generally doesn't work unless you're Don Quijote.
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Roflcakes: TypicalSGTripThread.png
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Anonymous19: So much samefag sgtrip
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bAv-R34: @Anonymous: >implying I am degrading you for the sole purpose of looking cool to like, fifteen random fucking people on a porn site

No, I was joking about putting porn on my walls. I do, however, show everybody my art- especially my porn. Get on my fucking level, attractive and successful African.
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Hierolocc: Significantly better than the last ones, I will say that.

Keep working I suppose then.
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sgtrip: @PinkBallons: sorry my router went out anyways i was bullyed all my school life and ive just learned to laugh at insults
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Hierolocc: @sgtrip:

I headbutted the first and only kid that tried to bully me in school in the face. It never happened again.
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Anonymous20: @sgtrip: Well, your behavior is probably why you got bullied in the first place.
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Nightweaver20xx: *walks in the room, notices the mess, does a heel turn and immediately walks out and closes the door*
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sgtrip: @Anonymous: no it wasnt because of my behavior it was because of something else im not going to talk about
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PinkBallons: @sgtrip: Good for you.
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Anonymous21(2): @bAv-R34: "Get on my level". Sorry, cupcake, the gutter's too low down for me.
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Middnightsnack: @bAv-R34: Well I do my best, I still can't make my self draw r34. It ends up looking weird, like Sgtrip's Rainbowdash vag. But hey! Practice Practice Practice!
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Anonymous22: @bAv-R34 you are NOT alpha if you come to this site, now stop acting it
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