Anonymous2: i kinda feel his style is odd,
the breasts are always to "U" shaped to feel natural...
and everything seem so triangular... about the girls shapes. guys the draws more natural for soem reason >_>
Anonymous8: Before anon2, I thought I was the only person on the site that thought Fluffy wasn't the OMGUBERGOD that everybody makes him out to be. I find the majority of his pics unfappable and awkward-looking, actually.
srsly, the guy's art is mostly the same exact body over and over with a change of hair, or if required, a change of head-shape. The overall body shape and face mostly never changes.
Anonymous13(10): I'm fine with that argument but name any artist that has a variety of styles? ,Jim Lee? Frank Frazetta?, Pandora's Box? any anime artists? anyone!? If you don't like Fluffy that's fine but your argument is fail.
Compare this Midna to this >>117115 looks pretty different to me.
Anonymous16(8): If you'll just get Fluffy's cock out of your collective mouths, you'll find there are much better artists out there in the same field. Fluffy's not terrible, but he's no god, that's for sure.
Anonymous17: Porn is porn so just fap and shut it. Fluffy is still a good artist though in my opinion. He may not be the best but you have to admit he can draw.
the breasts are always to "U" shaped to feel natural...
and everything seem so triangular... about the girls shapes. guys the draws more natural for soem reason >_>
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Anon2, have my babies
srsly, the guy's art is mostly the same exact body over and over with a change of hair, or if required, a change of head-shape. The overall body shape and face mostly never changes.
*Is neither a weeaboo nor artist*
That said, *fapfapfap*
Compare this Midna to this >>117115
looks pretty different to me.
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