Anonymous5: It's funny, but should this really be here? It's not exactly porn, even if the person meant for it to look like goatse (I don't know whether or not that is so).
Anonymous8: wtf is goatse some 1 plz explain O_O and don't dis me cause i don't know, cause im not some sex crazed person and i actually go outside O_O
and im canadian
SetoKaiba: @Atvar I think the problem is that a lot of people wouldn't recognize it as such unless they saw the original image. Even though I'm used to goatse I don't really see how anyone would be shocked or offended by this since it's not really that graphic. The TIME magazine cover was a good goatse. This is not.
Anonymous15: honestly I would not have even remotely made any connection to this and a goat' if it were not on this sight and people weren't like OMG lololol
Anonymous19: Yeah Goatse is this male fetishist stretching his anus to unbelievable dimensions. Like, you could fit a 2-liter bottle in there, sideways.
Anonymous25: Oh god. It took me a second, but oh my fucking god. This won third? That's absolutely brilliant. If only it had won. We would've 34'd an entire series and no one would be the wiser.
God I wish it had won, just for the lulz.
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Kat: We'll start with the basics. Have you seen the actual Goatse?
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If only it won... if only...
There isn't something more 34 than that. Turning a real life item into porn. In real life.
and im canadian
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Also, this *needs* to be featured.
He probably has to wear a diaper.
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Before you see Goatse, and after you see Goatse.
In buckets.