juckfoe: @ArbertWesker: You mean >>1076760 ?
This one has more visible lines. That's all I did. I used the multiply setting, like Tbone111 suggested on >>1076760 .
ArbertWesker: @juckfoe: yeah ,i noticed it later ,i was looking at the color first and forgot about the lines but decide it look at it again and noticed the change.
TechZing: aww.. i wanted to try the Multipli thing when i got back home :(... and yeah.. i accidently made part of her leg part of the table when i colored it.. my bad ^^
TechZing: And yeah the arm thingy is because i removed it under coloring.. since the armbinder is way too short to hold the pattern it is supposed to have.. so looks better if you remove it.
juckfoe: @TechZing: I'm sorry. You could still try and do it better than me by fixing the leg and arm thingy, cause you're most certainly better than me at that. I just followed instructions. ^^"
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This one has more visible lines. That's all I did. I used the multiply setting, like Tbone111 suggested on >>1076760 .
pretty awesome result.
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