ForcedUser: Actually, I call Shiek a guy . . . in the same capacity that I'd call Superman and Spider-Man guys even if a chick puts on their costumes. Metafiction, bitches. Shiek is male, but Shiek is a persona. It's the duality of a disguise.
Hentaicrazed: Shiek *is* a guy...
Zelda takes the body of a dead shekiah in order to hide from ganondorf for the 7 years link takes to become an adult, and the time afterwards leading up to him getting the 6 medallions.
Shiek (Zelda inhabiting the body of a MALE shekiah) = Man
Zelda (The real her) = Woman
chickenboo: ...the only canonical explanation of Shiek is as follows: "After managing to ride away from Hyrule proper, Zelda travels to places unknown and passes herself off as a male Sheikah known as Sheik both to further elude the capture of Ganondorf and to spy on him."
In other words, this isn't even an alter-ego, so much as a conscious persona that Zelda adapts, 'acting' like someone she isn't. Shiek is to Zelda what Spider-Man is to Peter Parker, and nothing more. It's just smarter of her to disguise herself as someone NOT her own gender. :P
Anonymous14: ok, was ANYBODY whatsoever fooled by other characters claiming shiek was male? the shape, the voice, the eyes, from the getgo nobody really thought she was male underneath it all, right?
Anonymous15(14): excuse me? concealed? is ANYONE fooled by her 'disguise'? she looks like a girl, stands like a girl, and sounds like a girl, aside from the assertations of characters in game, none of whom saw her clearly, ive seen no conclusive evidence that suggests she was ever male.
that said, finally, some hot zelda/shiek porn
LoboBobo: the character of sheik is male. but the person who plays him is female. zelda created shiek, and shiek is male. she plays a male character, so sheik is male, but the person who play him isn't.
Anonymous22: Every Sheik pic.
"Oh, hot, this porn is delicious. Let's see what the others think."
Someone explain why it matters to a masturbater.
Anonymous27: Official artwork shows that Shiek has breast bindings on, meaning most of the changes are just minor, like eye color. Plus, SSBM lists her as female.
Anonymous28: Is it just me?I think all this bullshiting about Sheiks gender is just fucking annoying,it KILLS BONERS!SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB FUCKING ASS HOLES!WHO CARES WHAT GENDER SHEIK IS!IT'S FAPABLE!SO FAP DAMMIT!
Anonymous29: It's still a mater of dispute acrodinding to the manga impa used magic to change zelda into a young sheikah boy but the game script wrighter said it was a just a disguise
Anonymous32: Shiek is Zelda in disguise. When you play the game she reveals that she had been training with people in the desert and getting away from the castle, basically following link around. She bounded herself in wraps and different clothes so that no one would/could recognize her as she explains in the game towards the end she tells Link. Then he gasps. Zelda did not have ninja skills until she trained or joined with desert marauders. Shiek = Zelda therefore Shiek = Female. Shieks gender bender is male.
Kyosei: @Anonymous: In the Hyrule Warriors trailer, they even say "she" many times
(Funny how they refer as "he" in the french translated version and even say that some people don't know who it is...)
Anonymous33: Its so obvious in ocarina of time that sheik was a woman. U could blatantly see her tits poking ur eyes out with the 3d effect. Hav 2 admit tho, i never realised it was zelda until the big reveal moment.
Zelda takes the body of a dead shekiah in order to hide from ganondorf for the 7 years link takes to become an adult, and the time afterwards leading up to him getting the 6 medallions.
Shiek (Zelda inhabiting the body of a MALE shekiah) = Man
Zelda (The real her) = Woman
What if Impa DOES have a 9 inch ock?
In other words, this isn't even an alter-ego, so much as a conscious persona that Zelda adapts, 'acting' like someone she isn't. Shiek is to Zelda what Spider-Man is to Peter Parker, and nothing more. It's just smarter of her to disguise herself as someone NOT her own gender. :P
that said, finally, some hot zelda/shiek porn
Anon14 and anon15, you've only played Brawl and the 3DS version of Ocarina, haven't you?
That said, Brawl Sheik definitely looks like a girl. Ocarina Sheik does not. Zelda transformed herself and grew a dick. Sorry fanboys.
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Saying this as I look at the picture of her in Nintendo's official Ocarina of Time strategy guide.
idiocy aside, im with Vash, that face makes the pic. God damn shes so fucking cute in this. That smile is amazing
"Oh, hot, this porn is delicious. Let's see what the others think."
Someone explain why it matters to a masturbater.
Still, if you've got problems with fags and fanbitches, Anons 3 and 8, then Paheal is not for you.
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Not that I don't think Sheik is a girl, but how about a source or something
(Funny how they refer as "he" in the french translated version and even say that some people don't know who it is...)
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Don't know why there's any question about it since Shiek was Zelda and Zelda is a woman. Nintendo confirmed it years ago.
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I prefer vagina sheik. She is so cute in this.
Fuck off, this is a very tasty piece of art! <3
Is there any wonder why Male Sheik lovers will always be considered the fandom of stupid?