Anonymous1: I'm pretty sure that those purple spherical things are 'Ally Salvo'.
'Ally of Justice Cycle Reader' is that thing on the left of her, 'Ally of Justice Core Destroyer' is the thing on the right and the tentacles are 'Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher'.
Anonymous2(1): I'm pretty sure that those purple spherical things on the top are 'Ally Salvo', that thing on the left of her is 'Ally of Justice Cycle Reader', the thing on the right is 'Ally of Justice Core Destroyer' and the tentacles are 'Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher'.
'Ally of Justice Cycle Reader' is that thing on the left of her, 'Ally of Justice Core Destroyer' is the thing on the right and the tentacles are 'Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher'.