Decanter: Easter is over. We now return you to our special Paheal showing of the live-action Mario movie. I for one was dubious about this casting choice for Mario, and Crisp Rat is a hard act to follow, but I think it ended up being pretty good.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: I mean the source material has always been kinda loosey goosey with its canon.
So as long as they didn't take as many liberties as the live-action movie they were probably fine
bonerific: @ColdFusion: Illumination's original script was going to turn the movie into some girlboss woke trash, where Peach tries take over the Koopa Kingdom or something (I can't remember), plus they were going to make Mario a laughing stock (That's what happens when you put SJW woketards in charge). It's only a rumor I heard, so it with a grain of salt. Thank goodness Nintendo told them "no."
I haven't played Mario shit in years since the days of the Wii. To my knowledge, Mario has been saving the Princess from Bowser for over 3 decades now. Didn't the Kongs & Mushroom kingdoms combined forces against Bowser in the newer games? Reminder that (((Nintendo of America))) is not the same entity as Nintendo of Japan.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Well of course NoA isn't the same as NoJ. If they were America would have gotten an official release of Mother 3.
But that "rumor" you heard sounds like bullshit
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: After the seeing the raceswapping of the Little Mermaid, Lord of the Rings, Scooby-Doo & so many other franchises for the sake of wokeness & MUH DIVERSITY, nothing surprises me anymore. As for the rumor, that's why I meant to say "take it with a grain salt". (((NoA))) is properly the real reason why the tag for Porkyman porn gets changed on this site. NoJ couldn't care less if some coomer was making porn of their characters. Their shit is not localized either, meaning it's probably better quality too. BTW the Jew who runs (((NoA))) is literally named (((Bowser))). I'm not making this shit it up.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Nintendo actually bought the rights to the porn parody and all the copies they could find in the hopes it would never be shown again.
Of course now it's on the Internet...
Anonymous15: I reccomend watching super hornio bros 1 and 2 online, ron jeremy plays mario really well, great watch if you want to google it fellow dudes
Anonymous16: This is probably the stupidest post to ever get featured, but it made me laugh, so it definitely deserves its fame.
Also this picture looks like it was taken on a very old site.
Anonymous17(4): You sound like the worst kind of edgelord, cowering in fear at the thought of everything being turned Woke. There's literally no difference between you and the trash that slurps up everything ejaculated from Tucker Carlson's cocksocket. I hope you die in the worst kind of way.
bonerific: @Anonymous: I post the bait & some of you are dumb enough to respond. That's how it works. Thread gets bump, meaning the more exposure for the characters. Meaning the more you argue on a specific thread, the more exposure & artists get, meaning more money for the site. And the funny part is I don't even have to bring up politics to bait the idiots. That's the beauty behind it. It helps weed out the thought policing moralfaggots on this site who would otherwise ruin this safe haven of ours. The best winning move is simply not responding as @HenryWong122: mentions. But I guess Sharkjumper is gonna have to learn hard way.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: I doubt that the person who made this is gonna get any exposure from your nonsense, Bony-Fish.
But whatever you need to tell yourself in order to sleep at night
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Fuck off plebbit. Only a Reddit janny would go to this much lengths to defend his shithole leftist website. You are so obvious a Reddit janny.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: I hate it for the same reason as everyone else: It's a shitty website with a shitty online community. No one likes you plebbits because you go around other websites acting like self-righteous authoritarians. Even normies hate you. If Reddit were an art website, it would be DeviantArt because both of those websites are full of the same retarded NPCs who think they can control people. Fuck them & fuck Reddit.
Anonymous25: @Sharkjumper: Everybody knows bonerific didn't "hear" anything. They pulled it out of their ass and made the whole thing up just like the other 100% of what that fool posts. Everything they have ever posted and allways will be bullshit. They're too stupid to post anything else.
Anonymous26(25): @Sharkjumper: If it's from bonorific then it's sure to some Nazi symbol or something. Almost every picture they share has some sort of Nazi or hate symbol in it somewhere.
Anonymous31: This website is in desperate need of a content filter because I see no reason for this garage to be on here. But if anything I'm just glad I'm not the idiot in the above picture; I can't imagine having so little going on in my life that I'd do that, take a picture of it, and post it online for all to see.
Anonymous33(16): I personally believe that without the existence of a buncha commenters with names other than Anonymous, stuff like this would never be seen.
And of course, who doesn’t like seeing a Twitter-esque/4chan-esque thread of comments that makes you take hours to scroll through just so you can comment?
Anonymous35(25): @Anonymous: meanwhile "nazi" is actually an abreviation of a longer German word that means "National Socialist"... and laughingly it's usually today's Socialists who call everyone they don't like nazis.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Nah, I just hate you leftists. Leftists just happen to be commies. Therefore, I hate leftists. Only good leftist is a dead leftist. You're all political prostitutes that will sell your children & family to the Devil for "good goy points" because it's hardwired within your Marxist dogma. The women on your side are all ugly, fat, covered in ink, pierced, they embrace "body positive" BS when majority of men are not attracted to that shit, & they look like literal fat ugly monsters. The men on your side are complete betas (soy boys) & the funny part is the leftist women hate them too. Some of your leftist men have gone as far as crossdressing & chopping off their own dicks. So it's quite easy weeding your kind out from my social circle as a whole. After you've been on this Earth as long as I have, you become pretty good at judging books by their cover, & I can easily tell when someone's a Marxist/Leftist because in majority of cases, they usually physically ugly people with ugly personalities. I just happen to troll you braindead abominations for the lulz because it's so friggin easy.
What does the "+" stand for in that alphabet mess? Ped0phillia? Geez, no wonder why you faggots are hated lol
bonerific: >be me, a random shitposter
>upload Rule 34 memes on both sides because why not? Funny cartoon porn is obviously funny
>Redditurds: "REEEEE This guy is uploading stuff I don't like, cancel him!"
>Twatterfags: "REEEEE This guy is uploading stuff I don't like, cancel him!"
Holy shit! The copium in the thread is unreal. It's broken record with you Reddit & Twitter faggots. Welp, I guess we'll have to wait for the next feature to have another discussion on Trump or Hitler lol
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Bony-Fish had to make himself the center of attention at all times because otherwise he gets ignored, because he's got nothing else going on besides his hate.
So whether by uploading unfunny forced-memes, talking insane conspiracy theories, or uploading stuff that's only just barely considered porn so that it'll get reported and give him something to play the victim, he's gotta prostitute himself just so people will interact with him.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: You're also frequently wrong about stuff, Bony-Fish.
Either that or you live on some other planet where everything is different.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Not understanding something is hardly a valid excuse for hating something, Bony-Fish.
If actually bothered to learn about the objects of your rage you'd realize your mistake.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Nah man, it's mostly you. At most I keep posts to no more than 3 or 4 posts. I don't like clogging the threads. But you? You post like 7 & 8 times. For every comment I post, you respond with twice the amount of post.
Also I'm in shape with a full set of hair. Cope & dilate you butthurt Redditurd
Anonymous39(25): @bonerific: Oh my god! This is hilarious! As if anyone is dumb enough to beleive a single line of the horseshit bonerific is spewing out this time! I've got to take a break, I'm laughing too much at how mind-numbingly dumb bonerific must think people are to ever beleive he's anything more then a 300 cross between jabba the hutt and Sloth from the Goonies!
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: We may not know what Bonerific looks like on the outside, but we all know that on the inside he's a 13 year old who's terrified of not offending people, because that's the only way he knows how to interact with people.
We also can say with about 99% certainty that Bonerific hasn't talked to someone who wasn't a white man in real life for a few years at this point. Because there's no way he'd keep his mouth shut and he would've been punched into a coma by someone.
Raeb: @Anonymous: get creative. You could still do something similar. You'd just have to look at your equipment & ask "what could I do with this that would be funny?"
@Sharkjumper: bonerific is most likely a jewish black guy. This is all probably just an act
Anonymous42: @bonerific: u just said 'plebbit' and 'FAGMAN' and you keep repeating the same common phrases, but you're obviously not a child, so you must be retarded.
Anonymous46: I used to make jelly every fall, but my hands aren't what they used to be. I hope someone can use the berries. It would be a shame to see them go bad!
bonerific: @Anonymous:
plebbit = Internet slur that mocks Reddit users. Plebs are also known by another slur: NPC
FAGMAN = Another word for FAANG. Stands for "Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix"; Internet slur specifically to mock Internet normies & the big tech giants, who have been responsible for the dumbing-down, oversaturation, & decreasing quality of the Internet as whole.
twatter = Internet slur that mocks Twitter users
Sociopathic twatters & plebbits, along with FAGMAN normies who can't tell the difference between a bot & a real person, are partially responsible for the downfall of the Internet. Normies can't tell who the real bad guys are meanwhile twatters & plebbits are self-righteous NPCs manipulating others for their own selfish interests & not the interests of others, thus leading to constantly distrust & infighting on threads. Hence, why they're the butt of jokes even on this site.
bonerific: @MrLuna: If the NPC meme bothers you, then you are obviously an NPC. Simple as.
You weebs are so far behind on the learning curve that it's laughable. Do you even know the difference between a normie & an NPC? Cause I got news for you, they aren't the same thing. Normies usually act in "good intentions" meaning they don't usually have selfish interests. The problem with them is that are easily manipulated by those in power (whether its the media, schools, press, government, corporations, etc). NPCs on the other hand have selfish interests in mind, who will kill their own kind or keen for the sake of power. In short, they are traitors of not only their race, but their family, nation, community, etc. NPCs are in a way worse than normies because their desires are built around selfish interests where as normies are too naive to even notice. While normies keep the wheels of the system going, NPCs are there to stop anyone from going against the system, even at the expense of other NPCs. It's because of the NPCs why shit has gotten more expensive & quality of life has deteriorated.
PartyCrasher: @Sharkjumper: The lgbtqi+ is a community of groomers and groomer apologists these days, It is no longer what it used to stand for. I'd much rather not have to go into further detail for the willfully ignorant, so I kindly ask you to stop @ing me.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: It IS better, at least to a point. Of course it too has gone the way of Reddit in some cases ever since trannies took over as jannies a few years back. 4chan died in 2010.
Sharkjumper: The accusations of "grooming" kids are just lies told by reactionaries trying to rile up their base for more culture war bullshit.
For example, the whole MAP thing was started as a 4chan "prank"
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Human beings loving other human beings.
Is loving someone who looks a little different a betrayal somehow? Who's the victim?
@bonerific: Just because they won't let you say slurs anymore doesn't mean the website is dead. It's about the community, not just being a hateful crybaby
Anonymous48(16): @Anonymous: They just hate each other unconditionally to the point of violence, but they both live very far away from each other so they can do it on any website that has a chat-based or chat-esque feature.
Anonymous50: bonerific is hilarious. Like, he's almost like a delusional dude, and while I never agree with him on anything, I'm always curious to see what he has to say.
Anonymous52: @Raeb: 'm sure it is, which is why I'm glad my existence isn't like that. What I was getting at with that comment was it's embarrassing to see stuff like this. It's not about not having a sense of humor, it's about the fact that the people who make this sort of stuff have no shame and don't think before they make and post stuff like this online. And yes, I know whoever made this can live with themselves knowing this exists, but that just makes it all the more pathetic. And I consider doing this in order to get a laugh out of people to be the real miserable existence.
Anonymous53(52): @Raeb: I apologize for the spelling errors and lapses in grammar, by the way. I type pretty quickly, so I tend to overlook the mistakes I make.
Anonymous54(52): @Raeb: But the simple fact is wanting quality in your humor and not having a sense of humor at all are two different things. And I find it a little disappointing how you found it easier to chalk up what I initially wrote as the latter. I may never encounter you again and you may never reply to my comments, but that was stull quite lame of you. But I'm not afraid to retaliate or get what I think out of my system, and that's all there is to it for me.
Anonymous56: @bonerific stfu gay ass retarded faggot, nobody here came to troll or argue like you... should've went to Reddit or Twitter, where faggots like you cry about wokeness and jews because you can't afford dominant women or submissive femboys LMFAO
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: But the term "trolling" has entered regular talk use. It has transcended memeness
And I'm pretty sure that happened before 2011
bonerific: Me & AI share the same philosophies: Women are terrible & shouldn't have rights, blacks are nonhuman, the earth is flat, simps & betas enable roastie behavior, race-mixing is disgusting, trans women are crossdressing men, faggots & trannies are mentally ill disease-ridden sex deviants ridden with parasites, lesbians are a waste of good pussy who's problems can be fixed with a good dicking, pajeets are gypos that shit on public shitting streets, non-whites copy after whites, the Holocaust never happened, & kikes are subversive golems of Satan, while Democrats & Republicans can't tell the difference between a commie & an a nazi while the Zionist plays them like a fiddle, a nation occupied by Zionists imports tons of rapefugees to destroy the nations cause profits to them are more important than identity, & the bad guys won WW1 & WW2. Meanwhile normies follow whatever current trend while NPCs scare the normies into submission while the NPCs suck on giant Zionist dick.
Don't call it a grave. Call it the future you chose. We didn't choose Clown World. Clown World chose us. Me & AI are very anti-Clown World.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Are you saying that you're not a real person and are really just an algorithm producing procedurally generated nonsense?
Because that would explain a lot about you.
Anonymous64: @bonerific: And yet the sole reasonable opinion you've ever espoused is the majority opinion among artists and art hosting platforms, that AI-generated art is garbage both in concept and in practice
If we continue the metaphor of you and AI being the same, then both of your output being worthless is the only point your schizoid sludge puddle you call an "ideology" is internally consistent on
(inb4 upon learning the "AI art bad" take is the majority opinion you immediately pivot to being its biggest evangelist just to be a contrarian)
Anonymous65: Maybe AI may not be able to be conscious rather just programed to do so, when in the other way it can be used as a mass manipulation (like there is already another way forms of propaganda) but like on sci-fi dystopian (which we live on sadly) and these kinds of movies, books, videogames, etc. were just prophecy all along. At this point it will only benefit the richs heavily than the poors.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: It's possible that Bonerific doesn't truly believe most of the nonsense he says, and is really just motivated by pure antagonism and a desire to annoy people.
And being a pure antagonist would kinda make him an NPC, wouldn't it?
Farfegnugen: Oh hey, this nonsense is going on. Fucking wonderful. Let me guess, bonerific called someone an NPC, and now everyone is defending themselves, but not realizing he has been the NPC along.
Jerry Springer died, but don't count on a feature since there is none worth featuring. Chant "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry." while throwing a chair across the room one last time.
Farfegnugen: @Sharkjumper: Without looking, no. After looking, no. I'm pretty sure it would have been a shitty fake that would have me say, "Daylight come and I wanna go home."
Did check a few series tags like Beetlejuice to see if there could be a connecting feature, but I don't want to confuse people on who's alive and who's dead. So, here and here are the next best things. Listen and enjoy the hell of this great man's music.
Anonymous68(22): @Sharkjumper it’s clear as night and day that bonerific doesn’t own an air fryer. Make sure to remind him of that next time he shows up.
bonerific: @Farfegnugen: Don't be ridiculous. NPCs are incapable rational or creative thought let alone trolling them on the interwebs. That's why people like me exist----to punish them.
Anonymous73(52): @Raeb: And the fact you're just going to die another apathetic bastard online that doesn't have shit going on beyond this miserable website is more than enough to give me peace of mind.
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So as long as they didn't take as many liberties as the live-action movie they were probably fine
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I haven't played Mario shit in years since the days of the Wii. To my knowledge, Mario has been saving the Princess from Bowser for over 3 decades now. Didn't the Kongs & Mushroom kingdoms combined forces against Bowser in the newer games? Reminder that (((Nintendo of America))) is not the same entity as Nintendo of Japan.
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But that "rumor" you heard sounds like bullshit
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Of course now it's on the Internet...
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Also this picture looks like it was taken on a very old site.
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But whatever you need to tell yourself in order to sleep at night
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Hey is your username a reference to Petey Wheatstraw, the Rudy Ray Moore movie?
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Does anyone know what the symbol on faceless Trump's lapel is supposed to be?
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And of course, who doesn’t like seeing a Twitter-esque/4chan-esque thread of comments that makes you take hours to scroll through just so you can comment?
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And man, boney really just hates everyone that isn't exactly like him, huh? non-whites, the disabled, the lgbtq+ etc...
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What does the "+" stand for in that alphabet mess? Ped0phillia? Geez, no wonder why you faggots are hated lol
>upload Rule 34 memes on both sides because why not? Funny cartoon porn is obviously funny
>Redditurds: "REEEEE This guy is uploading stuff I don't like, cancel him!"
>Twatterfags: "REEEEE This guy is uploading stuff I don't like, cancel him!"
Holy shit! The copium in the thread is unreal. It's broken record with you Reddit & Twitter faggots. Welp, I guess we'll have to wait for the next feature to have another discussion on Trump or Hitler lol
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So whether by uploading unfunny forced-memes, talking insane conspiracy theories, or uploading stuff that's only just barely considered porn so that it'll get reported and give him something to play the victim, he's gotta prostitute himself just so people will interact with him.
Oh how cute, the little Redditurd thinks I'm "projecting".
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Either that or you live on some other planet where everything is different.
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If actually bothered to learn about the objects of your rage you'd realize your mistake.
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Also I'm in shape with a full set of hair. Cope & dilate you butthurt Redditurd
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We also can say with about 99% certainty that Bonerific hasn't talked to someone who wasn't a white man in real life for a few years at this point. Because there's no way he'd keep his mouth shut and he would've been punched into a coma by someone.
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@Sharkjumper: bonerific is most likely a jewish black guy. This is all probably just an act
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sir this is a library
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plebbit = Internet slur that mocks Reddit users. Plebs are also known by another slur: NPC
FAGMAN = Another word for FAANG. Stands for "Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix"; Internet slur specifically to mock Internet normies & the big tech giants, who have been responsible for the dumbing-down, oversaturation, & decreasing quality of the Internet as whole.
twatter = Internet slur that mocks Twitter users
Sociopathic twatters & plebbits, along with FAGMAN normies who can't tell the difference between a bot & a real person, are partially responsible for the downfall of the Internet. Normies can't tell who the real bad guys are meanwhile twatters & plebbits are self-righteous NPCs manipulating others for their own selfish interests & not the interests of others, thus leading to constantly distrust & infighting on threads. Hence, why they're the butt of jokes even on this site.
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That's weird
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Way to bury the lead
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You weebs are so far behind on the learning curve that it's laughable. Do you even know the difference between a normie & an NPC? Cause I got news for you, they aren't the same thing. Normies usually act in "good intentions" meaning they don't usually have selfish interests. The problem with them is that are easily manipulated by those in power (whether its the media, schools, press, government, corporations, etc). NPCs on the other hand have selfish interests in mind, who will kill their own kind or keen for the sake of power. In short, they are traitors of not only their race, but their family, nation, community, etc. NPCs are in a way worse than normies because their desires are built around selfish interests where as normies are too naive to even notice. While normies keep the wheels of the system going, NPCs are there to stop anyone from going against the system, even at the expense of other NPCs. It's because of the NPCs why shit has gotten more expensive & quality of life has deteriorated.
TL;DR Version: NPCs are evil
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Also, "race traitors" aren't really a thing. Race is only something that exists if people believe in it, like justice or freedom.
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>Also, "race traitors" aren't really a thing
Then what are mudsharks/coalburners, oil drillers, rice burners, yellow fever fags, beaner lovers, etc.? Checkmate, faggot.
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For example, the whole MAP thing was started as a 4chan "prank"
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Is loving someone who looks a little different a betrayal somehow? Who's the victim?
@bonerific: Just because they won't let you say slurs anymore doesn't mean the website is dead. It's about the community, not just being a hateful crybaby
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>"to troll"
Go back to 2011, retard
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And I'm pretty sure that happened before 2011
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Don't call it a grave. Call it the future you chose. We didn't choose Clown World. Clown World chose us. Me & AI are very anti-Clown World.
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Because that would explain a lot about you.
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If we continue the metaphor of you and AI being the same, then both of your output being worthless is the only point your schizoid sludge puddle you call an "ideology" is internally consistent on
(inb4 upon learning the "AI art bad" take is the majority opinion you immediately pivot to being its biggest evangelist just to be a contrarian)
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And being a pure antagonist would kinda make him an NPC, wouldn't it?
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Jerry Springer died, but don't count on a feature since there is none worth featuring. Chant "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry." while throwing a chair across the room one last time.
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Did check a few series tags like Beetlejuice to see if there could be a connecting feature, but I don't want to confuse people on who's alive and who's dead. So, here and here are the next best things. Listen and enjoy the hell of this great man's music.
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and I hope that never happens. I don't usually read through the whole things, I just skim them
but I feel like it would be a much different site without them. Like something is missing
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I should probably move out of my apartment since I'm living in your head rent free
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I don't have anything going on beyond youtube
youtube is my main bitch. Paheal is my side piece
there are millions of people on the internet just like me. And you're one of them
k bye
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