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Anonymous1: this is fucking realistic!
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Anonymous2: Do you think you could put a happy ending you know when kaa Falls down and bagheera still hypnotizeYou know same page as usual but still keep Mowgli in the nude
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Anonymous3: aaaaand he died. rip Mowgli
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Anonymous4: Now all we need is for the second encounter to be made like this and posted.
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Anonymous5: Mowgli's not dead, it's just easier for Kaa to transport him when Mowgli's inside him. Onece hegts to his tree, away from Bageerah, he can regurgitate him him and brainwash him into the perfect slave.
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Anonymous6(2): How would you know if he still alive
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ArtLiberty20: Wow. I wanted to upload this ages ago but the file size was too big. Did they change the size limit?
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Anonymous7: excellent! more likr this but could do better without erection. a version of JB in the nude is cool XD
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Anonymous8: Agree with 8, could do without that. I put my thumb over the parts I don’t wanna see. It’s a good tip if that’s not your cup of tea.
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Anonymous9: I like a small and realistic sized dick for a 10 year old character. Bigger ones are for bigger characters.
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Anonymous10(4): Now to just do the second encounter uncensored and/or Shanti's encounter. This is gold and absolutely perfect.
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Anonymous11: Can you make an other one like this but only difference I want to see the good ending
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Anonymous12: Wish they showed him cum too
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Anonymous13: Somebody needs to make a full-length nude edit of this movie! ;)
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Anonymous14: Does there exist a fully nude version of this film? I need to know!
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Anonymous15: I always felt like the Jungle Book was meant to be a naturist/nudist film. I would love to see the full thing to completion!
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Anonymous16(11): I agree with him we should see the full version of Mowgli in the nude In the movie to the beginning till the end
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Anonymous17: Video isn't playing! Please help!
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Anonymous18: That is very good
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luciathecat777: Very nice!
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Anonymous19(18): Imagine if as soon as kaa swallowed mowgli he spermed and shanti walked by and got sperm on her then kaa fucked her EZ
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Anonymous20: There should be a video with shanti nude and swallowed.
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Anonymous21: Mowgli's penis.. <3
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Anonymous22: This look so real like it really from film, if whoever did this, please do a full edit version of the film with Mowgli like this.
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Anonymous23: Anyone got any links to both old and new Kaa and Mowgli videos on Dropbox or some other site?
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Anonymous24: This is perfect. Vore at it's best.
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Anonymous25(23): Video is not playing please update or upload to a site where it can be watched like Dropbox or Google Drive
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Anonymous26: - I get a kick out of some of the requests for full edit version of this work. They have no idea how labor intensive good quality animation is to create. That's why it's so rare. Talk is cheap. Wishes encluded.
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Anonymous27: I can't stop mastrubating from this >.<
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Anonymous28: Does anyone know where to find this video? It seems to have been taken down everywhere
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Anonymous29: Well, another masterpiece lost forever
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Anonymous30: yes yes loooove mowgli shota hummmmmmmmm
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Anonymous31: this is the reason why i lust after young boys before puberty ^^
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Anonymous32(31): his brown innocent body, that little penis, if he was real i would fuck him so good until he screams my name and also daddy!
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Anonymous33(31): i love 8-12 yr old boys like mowgli, this video turns me on, i jerk off to this a lot!
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hereforthehumor: shota vore,,, what the fuck
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Anonymous34(31): i love mowgli here, i wish to penetrate him man, like really, this boy is my type of person to fuck real hard and good :) i love tan-ish little boys with big feet ^^
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Anonymous35(31): omg that penis is beautiful <3
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Anonymous36: There should be a video or two with Shanti. (Think for the ones who like girls).
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Anonymous37: Hey does anyone know who made this? Can you tell me if there will ever be a version like this of the sencond encounter? That was always my favourite one!
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Anonymous38: i wish i can penetrate mowgli
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Anonymous39: Definitely
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Anonymous40(38): omg, mowgli's body, his big feet, his penis, so beautiful, would love to fuck him deep
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Anonymous41: There's should be a video of Morgana the sea witch seducing Ariel and Melody the mermaids.
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Anonymous42(41): There's should be a video of Morgana the sea witch seducing Ariel and Melody the mermaids, Ariel will be in Morgana's tentacles, both "Ariel , Melody, and Morgana" will be topless. Morgana will hypnotize Ariel and then coiling her with her tentacles. Like the little mermaid and the jungle book mashup, Ariel is Mowgli and Morgana is kaa.
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Anonymous43(41): Morgana the sea witch seducing Ariel and Melody the mermaids, Ariel will be in Morgana's tentacles, both "Ariel , Melody, and Morgana" will be topless. Morgana will hypnotize Ariel and then coiling her with her tentacles. Like the little mermaid and the jungle book mashup, Ariel is Mowgli and Morgana is kaa.
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Anonymous44(39): So cool I watched it about 10 times
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Anonymous45(38): have to admit, this turns me on, i'm not into young boys, but this video made me think of that. so strange. why am i also into his big feet? here in this video it's soo attractive.
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Anonymous46(38): i watched this 100 times
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Anonymous47: Que rico se le erecta su pipicito me pone bien dura la verga
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Anonymous48(38): mowgli does have big feet
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Anonymous49(38): Wow this really turns me on
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Anonymous50(38): that 1:21 minute mark :P
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Anonymous51(38): mowgli is without a doubt a very sexy young boy, this video is so smooth and sexual, i love it! i wish there's a boy that looks just like mowgli, i would very much like to have sex with him. lick his big feet and put him in his place in bed. there's nothing wrong of with wanting to have sex with younger brown boys like mowgli. Thank you for this video. It's beautiful ;)
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Anonymous52(38): indeed!! there is nothing wrong of having sex with younger boys ^^
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Anonymous53(38): kill yourself pedo :O
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Anonymous54(38): woeh this is very hot
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Anonymous55(38): have to admit, i would fuck mowgli if i could if i saw him like this. lick his feet, his butthole and suck his dick, this young boys is veeeerrrryyy sexy :P
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Anonymous56(38): i'm always jerking off to this video, i imagine fucking this brown boy mowgli day after day ^^
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Anonymous57(38): Kaa actually cares for mowgli, trying real hard to put him in a relaxed state of mind, of course he can't deny his nature having to eat him to survive. But deep down what Kaa is doing is love and care. Mowgli may wake up in his guts and will rebel and struggle, but soon he'll pass out from the digestion and die in peace.

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